Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


Jappler Recommends: Mr. Duct

After living in our home for over 5 years and having done some construction/having dogs and cats we decided to get our air ducts cleaned. I did some initial research last week and after talking to the people at Mr. Duct I decided to go with them. They were not the cheapest – but they […]

CSS HOWTOs Web Development

HOWTO: Target Firefox for Specific CSS

Generally – the best way to handle CSS is to keep it simple, clean, and without any hacks. From now and again there are some times when I need to write CSS specific to IE (using conditional comments). I recently came across a site where I needed to target Firefox because of a width issue. […]


Looking For Inspiration for Over 12 Years: Apple.com

Over the past 12 years (I remember starting to look to Apple for great web design back in 1999) – I have often looked to Apple’s web site for best practices in navigation (top/tabbed), general layout, and usage of imagery when thinking about designing web sites for myself or my clients. I have to admit […]

Business HOWTOs Serenity Now!

How NOT to Take/Make a Business Call

It is unbelievable how some people act on a conference call or even a business related call. From my experience here are some pointers on how NOT to impress your colleagues/clients/developers. (All based on actual things I have experienced) Make a business call while in the drive-thru at McDonanlds…and then ask me to hold while […]


The Neti Pot

When I first heard about the Neti pot I was actually disgusted and a bit afraid. Everyone who uses it though swears by it and told me it did not hurt, and was the greatest thing for their allergies, colds, sinuses. This past week I got a killer sinus infection and out of desperation decided […]


Jappler Recommends: The True Battle of Chernobyl

A few months ago – I caught one of the most interesting documentaries on Chernobyl on TV. If you have any interest in this event – check out the documentary online: The True Battle of Chernobyl. It is 90 minutes long and you can watch it full screen. It is definitely an eye opener.


Fun With Wrong Number (Text Message)

(Initial text is from a stranger, my response is in green) Yesterday I had a little fun with someone that texted me by mistake. Being a Star Wars fan – I could not help myself…I had to reply! My only hope (man the Star Wars dialog lives on everywhere!) is that this person either “gets […]

Web Development

Asset Management with ResourceSpace

This is a follow-up post to my post: Asset Management. I spent an exciting Friday night going through the config, learning the workflow, setting up accounts, and getting to know everything that ResourceSpace has to offer. After a few hours of playing around and applying various customizations (with ease) I am sold on using ResourceSpace […]