Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny

Serenity Now!

Plastic Card Payment

Some form buttons need to be noted – and this is one of them. Really – a simple “Continue” would not have worked? Where is this from? Library of Congress. Perhaps I should have donated more to help out the programming team.


Some Things Never Change

Yesterday I walked in my bedroom and had to laugh when looking at my side of the dresser. I guess I will always be a kid at heart with my Pocket Simon, a lego version of the Sears tower, my cap gun from when I was little, my little people on their playground toys, a […]


Protect Your Email Address

In a moment of weakness I gave someone (that I would not normally) my email address. As soon as I got off the phone with them – the spam started rolling in and I kicked myself. Word to the wise – if you have any inkling at all that someone will sell your email address […]


Contracts Are King

There has been a lot of talk about contracts in my field in the last few months, especially after the F*CK You, Pay Me talk/video. I have used a contract for 100% of my work now for a few years – after getting into a few situations where I did not get paid and had […]


Wrong Email Address

It has happened for years…how many times have you had to say “sorry I think you have the wrong number”. I often get the newer version of this – wrong email addresses that end up coming to me (both business and personal). I sometimes respond and let them know about it – but there are […]

Apple Hints

Sample Video Files

There usually comes a time when working on a project where I need to show the client how a particular video plugin works. I sometimes will do a quick Google search to find a sample video file to put in – but today when searching for a “sample MP4 video” – I found something extremely […]