Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


The Sweater I Wanted in 1990 and Today

I still spend time once a month looking to see if Contra has been released in the virtual console for the Nintendo Wii. I play Super C still regularly but would love to throw Contra into the mix. Not sure what Contra or Super C is? Either you were not gaming in the early 1990s […]


Update on Project Management

A few months ago I switched to using Redmine for all my company’s project management needs. I had used it before for s short stint while working on another project but never really thought too much about it. After adding additional developers to my team – I really needed something more powerful than what I […]

Crazy Signs/Places Life

Crossing Through Pennsylvania

On our recent trip east – we crossed completely through Pennsylvania twice and this was just west of Lockhaven, PA. We had to exit off of 80 for a gas/Mt. Dew break and as we were getting ready to turn right – we had to wait while the horse and buggy went by first. Needless […]


Clear Safari 5.1 Cache

When working on projects – I generally need to refresh pages multiple times (to see CSS changes, etc). I generally work with my browser’s cache disabled (Develop Menu > Disable Caches in Safari) but I noticed that simply pressing the return button on a page/site in Safari 5.1 did not work. It was driving me […]


214 Simmons (Penn State) Offspring

On our travels east – we stopped over at my freshman and sophomore college roommate’s house. We snapped a photo of all our kids before we left. It is just hard to believe we are all (my roommate and I) grown up and are raising potential Penn Staters!


My Kind of Town

A few weeks ago A and I went on a special tour of Chicago given by Geoffrey Baer. If you are from this area – you know him from the WTTW tours of the city/suburbs. The weather was iffy – and we ended up driving home through tornadic conditions, but we had a great time. […]


LandRover Event – Year 2

Last year right after we bought the LR3 – we decided to do a LandRover sponsored event to learn just what the vehicle is made for/can do (besides look really sweet). We got some video/photos but they just did not see to do what we did justice. This year we brought some friends along who […]