Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


New Mac Mini

Say hello to the latest Mac in my family: the 2011 Mac Mini. And now for the interview with myself: Why the Mac Mini and not the Mac Pro? The Mac Pro is overkill for what I do. I spend half my day working with web browsers and the other half working with a simple […]


Defining the Problem is Half the Battle

Over the last few years after seeing hundreds of projects come through my company – if I have learned one thing – it is that defining the problem is half the battle. So many times people will send over “documentation” which can sometimes be in the form of a mockup, an email, or a full […]


Land Rover’s New Concept Car: DC 100

Yesterday I got an email highlighting Land Rover’s latest concept car – the DC 100. I love to see new concept cars so I was excited to see what they would show us. I am still on the fence about this concept but I need to let it simmer. Overall – I really like what […]


Big Small Big

I work with a number of clients that range in size and have noticed something interesting (at least to me). The bigger companies tend to have more resources, take a longer time to produce something, but in the end put out a high quality product. A lot of people inside of the big business (with […]


GrowlMail for 10.7

I have been using Growl for years now and love the simple notifications. I can work GrowlMail was by far the most useful Growl plugin as it gives a quick n. When Apple released 10.7 – the old version of GrowlMail no longer worked. I was lost – but finally I found an update that […]

Business Serenity Now!

This is Not Google

I just got a call from an automated service (I did not stay on long enough to hear all of it) that said: “This is an important call for the business owner. This is not Google…” I figured when they said “This is not Google” they really meant to say “this is a scam to […]


World Trade Center Must Read

I have been following the World Trade Center area since the horrific events unfolded just short of 10 years ago. If you are curious about the reconstruction of 1 World Trade Center – take a look at this great illustration/timeline: http://www.bspcn.com/2011/08/28/world-trade-center-reborn/.

Music Podcasts

DJ Dan Morrell

Every once and awhile I come across music that I really enjoy. If you like upbeat dance music – check out Chicago’s very own DJ Dan Morrell. Make sure you check out his podcasts. I have bought more music after listening to them than I have in a long time! Good stuff. Anything else? Yes […]