Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


Points of View

Sometimes it is important to remember that we all have different points of view. Some seem great while others look better/worse. Just try and put yourself in the other person’s shoes before going too far.

Apple HOWTOs

How to Transfer Purchases in iTunes

Ever need to transfer your purchases from your iPad or iPhone from one computer to another? After getting the alert multiple times I figured it was time to learn. To transfer your purchases – you need to control click on your device (after connecting it to the computer you want to transfer the items to) […]

Serenity Now! TV

Stop Overwhelming Yourself

I don’t know what it is but the last few months I have felt completely overwhelmed. My TiVos are filled with shows piling up that I “need” to watch, I have a pile of mail to go through, posts to write, RSS feeds to read, magazines to read, things to do, etc. Regardless – I […]


Migrated From MobileMe to iCloud

I made the jump yesterday to update my 4 Macs and my iPad to use iCloud/iOS5 instead of MobileMe. While I have liked MobileMe and found it very useful – I look forward to what iCloud will offer. I often delay in updating my blog and/or my kids’ blogs because the photo is on a […]

Apple HOWTOs

iTunes Screensaver in Mac OS X

I generally use the Cosmos screensaver but I recently decided to check out some of the other options. I really thought the iTunes screensaver looked cool – as it shows all your cover art. I then accidentally hovered over one of the album covers and noticed I could actually click on it and switch the […]


Washington DC

Washington DC is a special place. When you there and walk around amongst the museums and monuments – there is a feeling that remains constant regardless of time or age. We had the perfect day this past Saturday to walk around and see the sights. I specifically wanted to see the new MLK Jr. monument […]


Favorite Fall Snack

It is fall, candy corn is in all the stores…and eating it seems like an ok thing to do on occasion. What is better than plain candy corn? Candy corn and Planters dry roasted peanuts mixed together. Never had it? It is a great sweet/salty combo (best enjoyed with exercise and plenty of water)! Enjoy.