Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-01-22
Finally found a great sledding hill here in IL. Now to get a sweet inner tube… # I have become more at peace with the media by adding in "In my opinion" (author/reporter) before I read anything. #
by: Jennifer Zelazny
Finally found a great sledding hill here in IL. Now to get a sweet inner tube… # I have become more at peace with the media by adding in "In my opinion" (author/reporter) before I read anything. #
Having a backup of your data is crucial. Being able to successfully restore your data is even more crucial. For the last three weeks, I have been spending two hours a week on organizing/reorganizing all my data. One of my goals for 2012 is to be 100% sure I am backing up what I need […]
I had been waiting for the call since November 9th, 2011 when everything started to unravel. I went over the conversation in my head over and over. Sometimes nasty – other times supportive. When I saw “Penn State University” on the caller ID last night as the phone rang I was not sure what I […]
Check out this video #espn – Great interview with @JayPaterno #
Jay Paterno did a nice job with this interview. I wish him and his family well.
I have been a big fan of the Uncharted series since my friend Doug gave me his copy of Uncharted 2 to test out back in October. Since then I have finished Uncharted 2 three times (am almost through on Crushing), finished Uncharted 1 once (difficult), and now – just finished Uncharted 3 (normal). I […]
Over the weekend I decided to move all my media to Amazon S3 for the majority of my personal sites. I have been using Amazon S3 now for a few years with my backups and have made the transition from local media > Amazon S3 for multiple clients. Everyone has been happy and the load […]
Visit to the Steve Jobs Exhibit at the US Patent and Trademark Office via @iDownloadBlog #
This past year has been a wild ride. Nothing sticks out more than the Penn State/Joe Paterno firing and that will be a hard pill to swallow for quite some time. I spent the past month or so thinking, reflecting, and trying to make sense of it all. I have been completely consumed by it […]
Is it Friday yet? Looking forward to the weekend so we can go to @Rick_Bayless XOCO with my 4 year old who requests to go there! #