Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny

Serenity Now!

My US Flag Was Made In China

I like to support the Illinois VFW and so this time around – for my donation they gave me a new US flag and flagpole kit. I was quite excited as I have been meaning to get one for awhile now. When I opened up the kit – I was pretty shocked to see that […]

Serenity Now!

What is Fiction Here?

On my way to lunch – a truck almost sideswiped me before realizing I was to the left of them and that caught my attention. When we came to the next stop light, the driver jumped out of his car while the light was red, took out a tape measure, and proceeded to measure the […]


Nike Fuelband: The Perfect Gift?

After watching Joe Paterno’s memorial (late January 2012) and seeing how Phil Knight (Nike chairman) supported Joe – I decided to take a look at the Nike web site and buy some new Nike shoes. (this is the perfect usage of the iPad in my opinion) When I went to the site – to my […]


Keeping Track of Fitness Activities with RunKeeper

A friend of mine recommended an iPhone app for me as we were recently talking about running/walking/keeping track of our exercise. I remember one of my friends a few years ago told me she kept track of her totals on the refrigerator helped motivate her everyday. I started doing the same and it is true. […]


Show Disk Space Usage (Sorted)

Every once and awhile I find myself needed to what is the space hog on my computer/server. While the command du – h in the command line works for a general overview – I really want to see the results in descending order (by space used). This command will list out everything in descending order […]


Madonna – See You in September

I have been a Madonna fan for as long as I can remember. I finally saw her in concert last time she came around and it was amazing. I am super excited to say yesterday I got really good tickets for her September show here in Chicago. She is truly amazing and I look forward […]