Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


New James Bond Trailer (Nice Land Rover Action)

There are few movies that get me more pumped than the James Bond movies. This upcoming movie looks like it will be great as well – especially with the sweet Land Rover Defender in there. I am excited to see it in the theaters!

Politics Serenity Now!

Remember Your Manners and Keep it in Perspective

For the past few weeks we receive anywhere from 2-4 calls a day from some politician or some group that supports some other politician with some “important” message. I have also been inundated with email full of “panic” and “need to act right now OR ELSE” messages against this candidate or that candidate.


Jappler Recommends: Google Drive

I back up all my files locally and then on to Amazon S3. I am not sure what made me give Google Drive a test but I did and I have been very happy with it ever since. What is it that I like better than everything else I have tried? Since I am always […]


Great Customer Service: L.L. Bean

I am a big fan of L.L. Bean and have been for several years now. If I am not wearing something from Penn State – I am most likely wearing something from L.L. Bean. Last year I bought Evan a book bag from L.L. Bean and ever since we have been fighting with the zipper […]


Without a Smart Phone – Week 2

I have spent the last two weeks without my iPhone – something I have carried around with me for over 5 years. I have to say it is has been interesting and sometimes frustrating, but overall – not nearly as bad as I thought. Here are some of my thoughts about not having a smart […]