Best Hour on the Radio
Over the last few months I have really enjoyed listening to DJ Flipside on B96 both on air (as shown) as well with his podcast available via iTunes.
by: Jennifer Zelazny
Over the last few months I have really enjoyed listening to DJ Flipside on B96 both on air (as shown) as well with his podcast available via iTunes.
I never would have thought about touching this stuff until this past fall when everyone I was with at a party was appalled that I had never tried it. One bite and I was instantly transformed into a fan. If you are ever in Chicago and get an Italian beef sandwich – make sure to […]
This is something I wanted since the late 1980s. I was super psyched to get this off of eBay and look forward to adding it to my collection of fun things.
Holy cow. Last night we decided to put the humidifier on for the boys since it is getting to be that time of year when the air is dry and the colds/sinus problems begin. A few years back I purchased a really cute Winnie the Pooh humidifier for Evan and we ran it most winter […]
There are few movies that get me more pumped than the James Bond movies. This upcoming movie looks like it will be great as well – especially with the sweet Land Rover Defender in there. I am excited to see it in the theaters!
For the past few weeks we receive anywhere from 2-4 calls a day from some politician or some group that supports some other politician with some “important” message. I have also been inundated with email full of “panic” and “need to act right now OR ELSE” messages against this candidate or that candidate.
Welcome to Instagram # Sharing # Last year's costume…before the storm # Best sneakers ever # I went big and had my best day — 8,124 NikeFuel. All with Nike+ FuelBand #nikeplus #
Monday – the day the most work gets done with the most stress. # Congrats to #Penn State for their first win under Coach O'Brien this past Saturday vs. Navy. #oneteam # When dealing with an OOM error with your web host – find the memory hog, don't just add more memory. Temp fix != […]