Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


We Are…Resilient

Resilient: able to become strong, healthy, or successful again after something bad happens able to return to an original shape after being pulled, stretched, pressed, bent, etc. A year ago today I was getting ready to fly down to Florida to see my grandmother as we just got some good news that things were starting […]


Find Largest Files (UNIX)

Ever need to find which files are taking up the most room on your server in a particular directory? If so – you can easily find the largest files by running the following command: find -type f | xargs -I{} du -s “{}” | sort -rn | head -10 | cut -f2 | xargs -I{} […]


Challenge Yourself Workout

Both in work and life – it is best to keep things simple. You do not need a fancy gym with expensive equipment to get in great shape! Here is a great workout I did recently with simple moves – but will surely challenge you.

Hosting Web Development

Install Varnish in Under 5 Minutes With Bitnami

If you have been following my posts for the last month (or talked to me about what I have been up to recently) you will not be surprised I have another post about the ease of use/awesome documentation when using Bitnami. I still am 100% impressed with the documentation – as each example I have […]


A Lesson in Customer Service

For the last three months I have been dealing with a company (to remain nameless) in which I have received a faulty product. When dealing with the local option without any satisfaction or respect – I decided it was time to call the corporate office. As soon as I did – I felt like someone […]

Web Development

Bitnami Applications: Test Drive Applications

Ever curious how something like Redmine, DreamFactory, or a number of other tools, content management systems, etc looked like/worked? If you did – but did not have the time to download the code, configure your server, etc – Bitnami to the rescue (again!). Within minutes, you can have a server up and running with everything […]


New Favorite Pizza Recipe

I love pizza, tomatillos, goat cheese, and bacon. This recipe has all – and it is absolutely fantastic. Looking for an awesome new pizza recipe that you will love? One bite in and I already had it in my mind this would be the next recipe my friends/family would expect me/want me to have at […]

Web Development

The Importance of User Defined Tests

When working on a large project or a seemingly simple task – I have come to realize it is extremely important to always get a test case (or test cases) directly from the client. As programmers and developers, we often have one idea of how something should work, while our clients have something different either […]


Hello Bitnami!

After needing to get Redmine up and running and having nothing but problems with installing gems, I decided to take a look at Bitnami where they advertise “Deploy your favorite apps in the cloud and anywhere else.” I decided to give that a shot as well as to use Bitnami Cloud Hosting for some of […]