Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny

Business Hints

Management Tip: The 3 Ds

Running a business can be both rewarding and stressful. Over the years – my biggest stress is that I could (and still can) be the bottleneck with projects which then causes even more stress. Wildly enough – I learned one of the most important lessons that has helped me run a business from PTA training.


Best Workout Podcasts/Mixes

Looking for some good music to listen to while working out? Here are my top 5: Dan Morrell September 28, 2007 DJ Derrick E. Cast – September 2014 DJ Derrick E. Cast – October 2014 Josh R Mixcast #37 (you will need to subscribe to get it – it is older) Dan Morrell May 13, […]

jappler.com Web Development

Embrace the New , Remember the Old

Four years ago I put together a base theme/framework called “Lucidity” that served me well. I even created a mobile version which also worked great. As the years went on – and I started using Bootstrap for responsive designs, I realized it was time to update my personal site and here it is.


New OS: Reminder to Clean Up

If you use a Mac, it is that time again – time to update to the latest OS (this time called “Yosemite”). While most people get excited about new features, improved performance, etc – I get excited to do my annual cleaning. Before any major updates – I spend time deleting files and apps that […]


Jappler Recommends: RedmineCRM

While recently upgrading Redmine via Bitnami I stumbled upon the coolest set of themes/plugins for Redmine since I started using it back in 2011: RedmineCRM. I instantly moved to using a customized version of their Circle theme and am going to install a few of their plugins to help workflow over the next few days. […]


Best Taco Seasoning…Ever!

Last year for my birthday – some friends bought me spices from: The Spice House. The seasoning was not like any other I had ever had – but I instantly thought “I want to eat this every day.” I love just about everything hot and spicy, but this taco seasoning – even though it was […]


Zelazny Money Clip

I grew up in a house where we used vice grips for just about everything. This is my latest use of my favorite tool.