Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


Don’t Be Afraid to Say No

If you spend all your time trying to make everyone happy – you are really making no one happy (including yourself). Once you realize you will never make everyone happy – you open yourself to making decisions based on fairness and reason. Don’t be afraid to say no!


Music Pick for Late April 2015

I first started listening to Keys ‘N Krates about a year ago. Ever since – they have yet to disappoint. On a recent long car trip – I listened to this remix on repeat. Thissongissick.com · Keys N Krates – Diplo & Friends [Free Download]

Apple Hints

What Can Siri Do For Me?

If you are like me – you have an Apple iPhone and the thought of using Siri sounds awesome but after a few smart comments trying to get her to say something funny back (because you are not sure what all you can really say/get out of Siri) – you forget about her and move […]


#1 Rule for Being Productive

Focus on what is really important. It is that simple. I was reminded this morning that a lot of people are not very productive and overwhelmed because they fail to focus on what is really important. Instead they waste a lot of time and effort on what is not important.