Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


My Latest Favorite Song

Tinlicker · Dream With Somebody (Extended Mix) Every once and awhile you find that one song you cannot seem to hear enough. For me – “Dream With Somebody” by Tinlicker is that song and has been on repeat in my house/car for the last 5 days straight. Check it out…


20 Years of the iMac

From the original to the latest – it is hard to believe the iMac has been out there for 20 years. I decided to retire my Mac Mini today after needing some faster processing power.


Awesome Shirts!

A few weeks ago I was looking for some fun shirts for my son who loves Seinfeld. I stumbled across Famous in Real Life and ordered a few shirts. (Kraymerica and Little Jerry (photo) for Evan – as well as Mandlebaum Gym and The Jerk Store for me.

Hints Serenity Now!

Don’t Be a Tech Hoarder!

Spring cleaning is not only for your home and garage. Every once and awhile I try and do some tech spring cleaning in order to keep things as organized and simple as possible. I highly recommend you do the same.


Spring 2018 Playlist

While at the gym or teaching boxing – I like to make sure I not only put together a custom workout – but also a custom playlist to showcase my latest favorites.


Return to Myrtle Beach

Each spring break for almost as long as I could remember – my parents packed up us kids and made the drive to Myrtle Beach, SC for what was always an awesome week. Sure – we had that one day at the mall, but everything else was awesome. The beach, the arcade, the mini-golf, and […]


Somedays – A Reminder is Needed

“A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference.” – Winnie the Pooh “Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolution.” – Kahlil Gibran


Training Jack

We have had Jack for over two years and training him was long overdue. Overall he is a good dog, but he definitely needs to go through some training to be a better listener and to make sure he knows where he stands in the pack.

Crazy Signs/Places Places

If Only It Was That Easy…

On a recent trip to the Dominican Republic – I saw this sign at the airport: Even with bug repellent – those mosquitos were all over me and I came back with all sorts of bites. Perhaps someone needs to let the CDC know it is harder than not letting the mosquitos biting people.