Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


Chicago and Hot Dog Stands

I often find myself watching Chicago specials on our local PBS station. The several “Exploring Chicago by the EL” and other Chicago based programs can often be found on my TV late at night or when I cannot find anything else on. I found myself watching a new Chicago show last week that claimed that […]


Chicago Metra Riders In the Summer

Well, it is getting to be that time of the year when kids are out of school and the wonderful stay at home mothers, teachers, and vacationers, as wonderful as they are, decide to bring little Johnny, Judy, and their two strollers downtown to enjoy the city of Chicago. For all of us regular commuters, […]


Emailing Pictures

First it is called a server. Second it is called “take five minutes to proportionally decrease the size of your picture”. How many times can that one person who got a digital camera last year for Christmas have to clog my email account with billboard sized pictures of whatever they decided to take a picture […]

Apache Web Development

Apache Support

After spending the weekend with my parents, proud new owners of a G4 14″ iBook, I realized why I get paid the big bucks for administering computers/servers. The biggest contribution to my wealth: I read manuals. I also frequent application specific support web sites, and I sign up for listervs. I have been working with […]


New OS, New Community

I have been using Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server since the beginning. Installing Mac OS X Server 1.0 was something of a wake up call with a NeXT looking interface and this group called “wheel” that had me a little concerned because I had no clue why I would have a group […]


Black Sneakers Do Not Equal Black Dress Shoes!

Ok, I have put in enough time thinking about how ridiculous people look when they try to pull the “black sneakers=black dress shoes” when they dress themselves in the morning. Men: do not wear sneakers with suits and try to pass them off as shoes just because they do not have logos on them. As […]


Adult Happy Meal?

Wow, I have seen a lot of stupid things, but nothing could have prepared me to see a steady stream of adults carrying “Adult Happy Meals” out of the McDonalds near my office. A grown person carrying aound a big stupid Happy Meal box…it was just not cool. How did McDonalds create such a nasty […]