Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny

Serenity Now!

Flood = Standing Water = Swarms of Mosquitoes

Whoa. I did not just play a crazy round of paintball…no those are welts from the mosquitoes. I grew up and ran around where we had dirt roads and lots of foilage, but never the kind of mosquitoes that left welts. I was using OFF’s (yes even OFF has a web site…and a killer URL) […]


Coke C2

Ok, I have a Coke problem…a Coca Cola Coke problem that is. I would love to cut my Coke habit down a bit. I am not too functional before my morning 12 ounces of enjoyment. I have been religously drinking Coke for six years now and I am sure all the sugar goodness has not […]

Serenity Now!

Spot Nazis

Any Metra rider knows exactly where the doors open for the trains at their stops and then places themselves there each day in hopes of being one of the first people on the train, if the train is crowded to get one of two remaining seats. I have been riding the Metra every weekday for […]


My Friend and Your's: Mac OS X Server

Installing and configuring Mac OS X Server is like being Larry David on Curb Your Enthusiasm. Larry has a great life, but there are always problems in the details…and the problems are unbelievable unless you see them yourself. I am still in pain from the install, the reinstall, the clone, and now onto the second […]


Brown With Black and Black With Navy

For all those people out there that find it acceptable to wear brown shoes with a black outift, or black shoes with a navy outift please do yourself a favor and stop the insanity! We should really have informercials on major fau pauxs (yeah maybe I cannot spell, but I know what shoes to wear […]


The Engineer Returns

Well…if you go back about a week in the postings personalities you will meet the “engineer” of the group…and well, he returned yesterday as we were moving the nasty, wet, stinky sandbags from my house to the road. As we were moving the sandbags on dollies and wagons, the engineer approached and asked if we […]


Favorite Tech Web Sites

Each day I load up the same tech web sites in my browser’s tabs and I thought I would share them with everyone: http://www.versiontracker.com http://www.macdevcenter.com http://www.macnn.com http://www.macosxhints.com http://the.taoofmac.com/space http://www.macintouch.com http://www.php-mag.net http://www.phparch.com http://www.php.resourceindex.com http://www.afp548.com


Need a Date? Get a Dog!

About three months ago, my girlfriend and I adopted a retired greyhound. She is absolutely wonderful (the dog 😉 ) and we are very happy we adopted her. There were plenty of things we did not expect since this was our first dog, such as her love for hotdogs and the fact that she sleeps […]


Hiding From Google With robots.txt

Over the years I have become more paranoid over who sees what on my web sites, and I have learned that one of the most important steps in creating/posting a web site on the web is the robots.txt file that goes with the site and the meta tags for each page. I will not go […]


Wire and Paper the New Cat Toys!

Well…having two cats, one who eats paper and the other who prefers wire, I have given up on buying them cat toys. (well, I still do, but the dog plays with them…but that is another story.) I just wanted to share my frustration…it is 4am and I am enjoying the last hour or so of […]



Well, after spending the last few days sandbagging and preparing for a record breaking flood, I learned quite a bit. First and foremost..how to properly sandbag a soon to be flooded area. Second, there are a lot of weird personalities in my community. We had the “shovenist male”: “I do not mean to be a […]


River Crests

Well, growing up in a non-flooding (in my lifetime) region, the idea of a river cresting is somewhat like any physics theory for me…very hard to grasp. So as I sit here in my midwestestern suburb, near a flooding river (record flood)…I am forced to wait for this river crest thing to happen in two […]