Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


the mysterious b.o.

We are all aware of something called deoderant, right? Well, as I sat down next to an older woman on the train today, I thought all was well. I was coming home early, and had a seat next to someone who did not hog the seat nor talk loudly on her cell phone. A few […]

Apple UNIX

Apple knowledge base changes.

I like to keep my finger on the pulse with Apple products as well as with their documentation. Apple makes this easy with offering mailing lists that are dedicated to all their products. If you want to keep up specifically with all new and changed documentation, Apple has a great list for you: Daily Knowledge […]


thanks gop! (for ruining cnn.com for a week)

I am a CNN junky, but unfortunately for me, I have to cut back this week due to all the pictures of the GOP Convention. I like Laura Bush, I think she has great intensions, although I would have liked to see more of her in the last four years. I respect Giuliani, and well, […]


Ahh, Saturday Morning Cartoons in the Eighties!

My sister and I would look forward to Saturday mornings every week (after exciting Friday nights with the Dukes of Hazzard) so much that we actually wrote out a schedule of what was on. I would get up early to set up my afghan fort under the coffee table, and my sister would eat dry […]

UNIX Web Development

ht://dig 3.1.6 installation/configuration

So you need to install a search engine on your site. Keeping with my open source solutions, I have decided to go with ht://Dig. As soon as Apple decided to go with UNIX as a back end to their OS, I was excited because I could finally use ht://Dig (and another classic program called Mailman) […]


Wedding Registries

Well, it is that time again, a relative is getting married and has registered for gifts. While I think wedding registers are very helpful for people that actually want to get people what they want, I also find some of the items a bit much. Enter, the $45.00 nickel plated toilet brush. Yes, a nickel […]

CSS jappler.com Web Development

The Joys of Quality Assurance

So close, yet so far away. After hours of staring and adjustments, I still have a few outstanding design problems. The menu alignment. I cannot seem to figure out what is holding it back from lining up with the other top items in Mozilla/Firefox yet is at the very top in IE. In Mozilla/Firefox, and […]

CSS jappler.com Web Development

almost there.

Well, new designs, new learning experiences. I have lots to share later about CSS and about WordPress layout, but I need a break. I still need to get my main menu from the rest of the site into the blog layout, and figure out why my top menu item is not lining but, but the […]


what are the chances?

Well. Early Monday morning is not my favorite. Rushing to get ready, rushing to get to the train, fighting with the crazies…(see posts on Metra)…anyway, let us not forget on top of all of this, I have the luck of Larry David. So I make it to the train, but no seat, so I sat […]


jappler.com: coming soon

Well, I finally took the plunge and bought my own domain name. So what is jappler? Back in 1998, I needed a character name for Diablo so I came up with Sir Japple (J for my first name initial, apple, for my beloved hardware/software company. Then in 1999, Quake 3 Arena came out and the […]

Web Development

time to regroup, redesign.

Well, it is that time in the design cycle to archive my current web site, and move to a new design. I will be working on it this weekend to hopefully finish it up. Once I have it completed, I will be moving this web site to a new url, I will keep a redirect […]


GarageBand Revisited

After showing my mother that she could be a Motown musician by using Apple’s GarageBand on her iBook two weeks ago I thought I should take another look at Apple’s cool software too. I have to say, out of the box, GarageBand is very fun and you can really make some cool music, even without […]