Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny

Serenity Now! Standards

perfume is a side, not the main course.

The county tax office, when the deadline for taxes is a few days away, is like the DMV on a good day. Tons of people, no organization, and weird smells. As I was filling out the paperwork for my exemption, a woman sat down next to me. You know the type…no sense of personal space […]


Home Owner’s Tax Exemption

After talking to one of my more resourceful co-workers, I found out that our county offers a nice tax exemption for home owners…but you need to sign up to get this tax break…in person at the county tax office. I am not sure how common this is around the country, but it is definitely something […]


An Interesting Time

I have a post in mind but I need to gather some data before I get into it. Time to call the grandparents and parents for some generational points of views. Until then, check out an article on boingboing.net: Kerry concedes.


A Proud Day

It is once again the first Tuesday after the first Monday in Novemeber. I was proud to turn in my punched ballot this morning before I went to work, and I hope this election charges the country up for future elections because every vote does count. (but why are we still having problems counting these […]


Hole in One!

Well, I had the pleasure of witnessing my friend’s first hole in one on Sunday November 31, 2004. Congratulations Doug! On another note, check this out: http://www.toysoft.ca/fakecall.html. Perhaps a good investiment for me since I seem to attact interesting people.

Hints UNIX

network help.

Well. Today I relived my college days as a student taking Math 110 (Business Calculus). I felt like I understood…so much that I thought I got a 90% or above on the exam…then reality would set in and I would get a 47%. Welcome to 2004, Networking/DNS now replaces Math 110…and I am stuck on […]


Cool Technology

Smart Buildings New Treos Play Station Portable Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (now available) Lego Robots beat Mario Bros? Linux Watch iPod Photo iPod U2 Special Edition


Something for Everyone

Just when I thought I saw it all…I ran into: http://pulse.whatnet.org/. Not that I would ever use this…the thought of someone knowing, or possibly knowing my keystrokes is not appealing, but the concept it pretty cool. On another note, I also found a good article on ssh, check it out if you care about security.

CSS jappler.com Standards Web Development

css, a voyage.

Oh my. Well, by blog was getting ugly with all of my leftover CSS problems, so I decided to sit down and figure this out. I have 95% of all this figured out, still some problems with Firefox and the li dots. I am not happy with the word/letter spacing, but who knows. All this […]

Apple Hints HOWTOs UNIX

configuring ipfw on mac os x 10.3.

Sometimes the GUI is awesome. Sometimes you just need more control over your conf files that the GUI offers. I wanted to have more specific firewall rules for my computers and servers running Mac OS X Client, more than the default OS X 10.3 built-in firewall configuration that is provided. First, let’s look at all […]


Apple replacement parts.

Well, every once and awhile you will need a part for your computer. Perhaps your dog trips on the PowerBook power cord, and makes you test your reflexes, but your good reflexes cause the PowerBook’s screen to flip back causing the metal…yes metal to break. At this point you would be looking for a top […]