Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny

jappler.com Web Development WordPress

excuse the dust, updated to WP 1.5.

I updated my installation of WordPress to 1.5, and am still working out some problems with some of the plugins that have not been updated yet. I am hoping to get everything working ASAP, but until then, you might notice a few things are a little funky (like my photos). I have also been going […]

Web Development

an upgrade, a monkey, and future CSS fun.

After my daily tech new sweep, I stumbled on some web related news I wanted to point out: WordPress has a new version out: 1.5 After looking back at an old screenshot, I saw I had Webmonkey as a toolbar favorite, so I decided to go to the Webmonkey web site, and behold…new articles! (I […]


the garden state.

New Jersey…home of Continental’s hub, a handful of people that I love, and a lot of trash. Growing up in New York, my classmates and I read about the dirty needles on the NJ beaches in our Weekly Readers and never imagined wanting to spend any time there. In college, all I heard was “are […]


building dashboard widgets.

I am excited for Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) for many reasons, but I am really looking forward to creating some cool dashboard widgets. I am excited to put my XHTML and CSS to work to make some really cool stuff for my desktop! I will be sure and share! On another note, thanks to […]


go meredith, cousin peggy!

Back in my Penn State days, I took a lot of American history classes (since that was my major) and I found I had similar interests to a new TA, Meredith Lair. She was one of my TAs for History 3 (The American Nation: Historical Perspectives) , and History 173 (Vietnamin War and Peace) and […]


Google Maps

Well, google has done it again, they have introduced an awesome all in one mapping solution with the introduction of google maps. You can map out trips, find businesses, move the map around, etc, in a very short amount of time. Sorry Safair users, it is not ready for you yet, but you can grab […]

Web Development

If I Can Learn Perl…

When we bought our condo 3 years ago, we repainted every square inch of the place…ceilings, baseboards, walls, etc. We also tore up all the carpet, put down 900sq ft. of Pergo and then the two bedrooms got new carpet. The only two floors that did not get redone, were our two bathroom floors. Finally […]


Hardware Choices

I have been going back and forth for a few weeks now, trting to decide what new computer to buy. Right now I have a G4 Cube and a 17″ Apple Studio Display. When the Mac Mini first came on the scene, I thought this would be a perfect in between upgrade for me until […]


Stressed Out

Nothing exciting to post today, I am too stressed out to write about anything interesting or even not interesting. But since I am a nice person, I will leave a old, but good link for people to check out. MacTech Magazine.

Hints UNIX

good UNIX quick reference.

Everyone needs a good UNIX quick reference for the times you cannot remeber the command you need, but you know exists, and I recently found a good one, good enough to bookmark until I compile my own. The Univeristy of Washington’s Quick Reference: Unix Commands


What is on My Computer?

Over the weekend I had the pleasure of doing a clean install on my Cube. (Apple, I love the specs section, but I am not crazy about the PDFs, especially if you just need to see one stat) Anyways, I thought I would share what I have on my computer besides the standard install that […]


Backup Strategies

All I ask from anyone who reads this today is to look at their backup strategy. I thought I had mine down. I have an original iMac with a big hardrive that serves as my backup server at my house. I have a .mac account with Apple, so I used (past tense) Backup for my […]