Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny

Apple Hints

don't forget about grab.app.

Over the weekend, I had to take a number of screen shots for a project that I was working on. In Mac OS X, you can take screen shots easily by holding down the Option + Shift +3 keys and then select a section of the screen you want to capture. If all goes well, […]


How Far Can You Go?

A friend of mine sent me a link to check out: http://www.eviltree.de/zoomquilt/zoom.htm and I have to say, I am really impressed. I first zoomed in just a little, but then went back to it to see how far you could go, and this is when I thought “wow, this is impressive!”. Then, I reloaded the […]


Amazing Photographs

One thing led to another, yada yada yada, and I ended up at this amazing web site which has spectacular photographs. There is something about photographing the simple things in life that I absolutely love…I am not sure how to explain it, but this photographer captures some wonderful emotion with his focus on simple (or […]


configuring ipfw on mac os x 10.3: revisited.

It has been a few months since I first posted about configuring ipfw on Mac OS X. Since then I have had a few random issues with startup that may have been related to my firewall settings, but I was never able to really hone in on the exact problem (because the problem was not […]


Why I Love TiVo

Sure the little noises are cool, and fast forwarding the commercials has been a time saver, but I have to hope people are taking advantage of the Home Media Option, and TiVo Desktop.


Happy Birthday A

Not sure when you will read this, but I just wanted to wish you a happy birtday! Triscuit wanted to wish you a happy birthday this morning too…bright and early at 4am because she was so excited, and then again at 430 (do not be mad)! How to celebrate, people might be asking? Dinner at […]

Content Management Systems

where have I been? zmi.

I have been really busy the past few days, too busy to blog? Probably not…but I have been really focused on a few projects to learn new technology. My biggest project at has been getting plone customized. I knew it was time to get serious with some solid CMS solution, and plone was the best […]

Apple UNIX Web Development

Mac OS, UNIX, and Web Development Training

I have been looking for good Mac (not MAC) OS and UNIX training opportunities and think I finally came up with the missing piece, Big Nerd Ranch. Over the years, I have looked for good training for Mac OS X/Mac OS X Server, Apache, PHP, and other web technologies, but have often come up empty […]


apple mouse, iPod.

I found something funny on the web today and wanted to share it: http://geektechnique.org/projects/iNO.html. The link is to a web site that makes fun of how the old Apple mouse looks somewhat similar to the iPod. Nice work!


Mac OS X Firefox Themes

Sometimes I cannot work until I have the perfect desktop picture on my computer, other times, I fight with ugly application interfaces…and working with “gross” interfaces affects me. I am constantly scanning user interfaces, colors, layouts, etc with everything I look at. Cars, computers, street signs, etc. I also spend a great deal of time […]


what is going on here?

What is going on here? Adobe announced http://opensource.adobe.com/ which allows the open source community to have access to some of Adobe’s great C++ libraries in the past few days. I am, for the first time in my life, installing a non Apple OS on my PowerBook…Mandrake Linux 10.1. Wow. Sun…your turn…and please do not forget […]