Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny



Over the last few months I have been studying people and their priorities. I think we are living in a very uncomfortable time and that historians one hundred years from now will find our society and our choices both unbelievable and fascinating. I have been trying to wrap my brain around one question: how do […]


Fedora FC3

Now that I am no longer doing any Linux/UNIX training, I thought it would be best to have a Linux machine running so I can stay on top of what I learned. After trying out Mandrake Linux (now Mandiva), considering Yellow Dog, etc, I decided to give Fedora FC3 a try. Why? Well, there is […]


Interesting Web and Golf Factoids

You should know by now, I enjoy random thoughts and factoids. Today, my morning for fun read led me to finally realize what Yahoo! stands for: Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle. I love information like that, and I have to say the rest of that article was pretty interesting too. My friend Doug recently bought […]


wordpress quicktags fix for safari and photo options.

After taking a look back at Moveable Type, I decided it was time to look for a new photo management plugin for WordPress. I decided to first try PhotoPress because it sounded pretty cool (thumbnails, random pictures, etc) Since the move to WordPress 1.5, I noticed that my quicktags no longer exisited when I used […]

Hardware Software

Solaris and the SPARC

Yeah. Too many threats of “oh don’t worry, Windows XP will run great on your PC” came in, so I am going to go with finding some used Sun hardware. I have found a number of cool user Sun hardware web sites, but am taking some time to learn about the different models. Too bad […]


solaris and an umbrella.

Here I am…thinking (dreaming) about replacing my Apple G4 Cube with a sweet Sun Solaris set up, since all my web development work at home is done with text editors and gimp.app. It is definitely time to learn Solaris, but I do not want to put out the $$ for Sun hardware (and yet I […]

Hints UNIX

linux/unix admin certified!

Finally…I finished up my last two Perl projects, and now am officially certified by the University of Illinois and O’Reilly as a Linux/UNIX Administrator. A big thanks to Ben for putting up with me and my frustration with Perl…which I kind of like now 😉 . A few UNIX hints for today: Did you ever […]

Apple Hints

don't forget about grab.app.

Over the weekend, I had to take a number of screen shots for a project that I was working on. In Mac OS X, you can take screen shots easily by holding down the Option + Shift +3 keys and then select a section of the screen you want to capture. If all goes well, […]


How Far Can You Go?

A friend of mine sent me a link to check out: http://www.eviltree.de/zoomquilt/zoom.htm and I have to say, I am really impressed. I first zoomed in just a little, but then went back to it to see how far you could go, and this is when I thought “wow, this is impressive!”. Then, I reloaded the […]


Amazing Photographs

One thing led to another, yada yada yada, and I ended up at this amazing web site which has spectacular photographs. There is something about photographing the simple things in life that I absolutely love…I am not sure how to explain it, but this photographer captures some wonderful emotion with his focus on simple (or […]


configuring ipfw on mac os x 10.3: revisited.

It has been a few months since I first posted about configuring ipfw on Mac OS X. Since then I have had a few random issues with startup that may have been related to my firewall settings, but I was never able to really hone in on the exact problem (because the problem was not […]


Why I Love TiVo

Sure the little noises are cool, and fast forwarding the commercials has been a time saver, but I have to hope people are taking advantage of the Home Media Option, and TiVo Desktop.