Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny

Apple Web Development

tiger (10.4) and apple.com.

Most people that would be reading this are probably very familar with Apple’s web site and know that Mac OS X 10.4 is coming out later this month on April 29th. My random thought for the day…when is Apple going to update their web site design? Apple’s web site design has been very influencial over […]


The Rubik’s Cube

I have a friend that has been in the hospital for over a week now, and for fun her mother decided it might be nice to bring in some games, etc to play with as we wait in the waiting room. Well, two Saturdays ago, I decided it was time for me to finish something […]


New McDonalds (50th Anniversary Restaurant)

Someone like me cannot pass up McDonalds events. 😉 McDonalds will always have a special place in my heart after working there in high school and college and then passing on tips and tricks of the trade. Doug even bought me a McDonalds book that I absolutely loved. Ok, to get to the point…McDonalds opened […]


And the Winner Is: Sun Ultra 10

Time to learn Solaris, yeah. Time to get a PC, no. 😉 I finally got a Sun Ultra 10 lined up for me, and should hav eit some time next week. I am not looking for speed or anything much, just something to play around with, learn Solaris, and get serious about high availabilty servers. […]


ACHDS certification.

Well, another certification down: Apple Certified Help Desk Specialist (ACHDS). (This was a little harder than I expected because of all the GUI questions…and I am not used to using a lot of the GUI tools that Apple ships with Mac OS X.) I had to take this first exam in order to get the […]



Over the last few months I have been studying people and their priorities. I think we are living in a very uncomfortable time and that historians one hundred years from now will find our society and our choices both unbelievable and fascinating. I have been trying to wrap my brain around one question: how do […]


Fedora FC3

Now that I am no longer doing any Linux/UNIX training, I thought it would be best to have a Linux machine running so I can stay on top of what I learned. After trying out Mandrake Linux (now Mandiva), considering Yellow Dog, etc, I decided to give Fedora FC3 a try. Why? Well, there is […]


Interesting Web and Golf Factoids

You should know by now, I enjoy random thoughts and factoids. Today, my morning for fun read led me to finally realize what Yahoo! stands for: Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle. I love information like that, and I have to say the rest of that article was pretty interesting too. My friend Doug recently bought […]


wordpress quicktags fix for safari and photo options.

After taking a look back at Moveable Type, I decided it was time to look for a new photo management plugin for WordPress. I decided to first try PhotoPress because it sounded pretty cool (thumbnails, random pictures, etc) Since the move to WordPress 1.5, I noticed that my quicktags no longer exisited when I used […]

Hardware Software

Solaris and the SPARC

Yeah. Too many threats of “oh don’t worry, Windows XP will run great on your PC” came in, so I am going to go with finding some used Sun hardware. I have found a number of cool user Sun hardware web sites, but am taking some time to learn about the different models. Too bad […]


solaris and an umbrella.

Here I am…thinking (dreaming) about replacing my Apple G4 Cube with a sweet Sun Solaris set up, since all my web development work at home is done with text editors and gimp.app. It is definitely time to learn Solaris, but I do not want to put out the $$ for Sun hardware (and yet I […]

Hints UNIX

linux/unix admin certified!

Finally…I finished up my last two Perl projects, and now am officially certified by the University of Illinois and O’Reilly as a Linux/UNIX Administrator. A big thanks to Ben for putting up with me and my frustration with Perl…which I kind of like now 😉 . A few UNIX hints for today: Did you ever […]