Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


beginning and ending.

Well, this weekend marked the beginning on my Mac OS X 10.4 experience. I installed Mac OS X 10.4 on my 500mhz G4 iBook, (repaired permissions, used Carbon Copy Cloner, then did a clean install) then after being quite satisfied with the performance of the OS, I decided to hook up the iBook to my […]


Finally: Tiger Arrives!

Well the day has finally come: Apple’s release of 10.4. There are tons of new feautures I am excited to check out but none more than the added .mac sync functionality. To be able to have all my mail rules available on all my computers…I have been waiting for this since .mac came out. For […]


Pre Office Space Movie: the SNL Cartoons

Every once and awhile I will get bored, so I sit down in front of the TV, hit the TiVo button on the remote and search for upcoming programs I think I would like to watch. A few days ago, I decided it would be nice to record some old SNLs (old=1990s). You really cannot […]


My McDonalds Experience in 750 Characters Or Less

McDonalds is asking old/current McDonalds employees to share their McDonalds experience with them in 750 characters or less so here is what I submitted: I love McDonalds, I always have. Nothing sounded better to me when I was little than a plain hamburger happy meal, in a cool box, with great McDonalds cookies, coke, and […]

Serenity Now!

soup nazi.

It never fails that I can say “Do you watch Seinfeld? Do you remember the episode when…” and then I go on about how much my situation sounds like something in a Seinfeld episode. Well, yet again, Seinfeld enters my life… And for all of us who do not live in New York City, we […]

Hints Web Development

know your resources: mailing lists.

I like to think I know a lot about web design, hosting, development, etc, but I also like to think when I am unsure of something, I know where I like to go. (not to mention I like to use commas) If you are a web developer with questions or would like to help web […]

Apple Web Development

tiger (10.4) and apple.com.

Most people that would be reading this are probably very familar with Apple’s web site and know that Mac OS X 10.4 is coming out later this month on April 29th. My random thought for the day…when is Apple going to update their web site design? Apple’s web site design has been very influencial over […]


The Rubik’s Cube

I have a friend that has been in the hospital for over a week now, and for fun her mother decided it might be nice to bring in some games, etc to play with as we wait in the waiting room. Well, two Saturdays ago, I decided it was time for me to finish something […]


New McDonalds (50th Anniversary Restaurant)

Someone like me cannot pass up McDonalds events. 😉 McDonalds will always have a special place in my heart after working there in high school and college and then passing on tips and tricks of the trade. Doug even bought me a McDonalds book that I absolutely loved. Ok, to get to the point…McDonalds opened […]


And the Winner Is: Sun Ultra 10

Time to learn Solaris, yeah. Time to get a PC, no. 😉 I finally got a Sun Ultra 10 lined up for me, and should hav eit some time next week. I am not looking for speed or anything much, just something to play around with, learn Solaris, and get serious about high availabilty servers. […]


ACHDS certification.

Well, another certification down: Apple Certified Help Desk Specialist (ACHDS). (This was a little harder than I expected because of all the GUI questions…and I am not used to using a lot of the GUI tools that Apple ships with Mac OS X.) I had to take this first exam in order to get the […]