Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


Old Fun Technology

I love technology, both new and old. When my friend Ken was visiting last week, we went to an awesome exhibit at the Museum of Science and Industry: Game On. The exhibit featured a lot of my favorite childhood games (mostly console) and made me think about all the cool “tech” toys I had as […]


installing Solaris 10, part 1.

I had decided last month to get a Sun machine so I could check out Solaris 10 (and Solaris in general). Why Solaris? Why not! Sun has been a leader in creating rock solid, high performance hardware and software, and now they have released Solaris for free. Time to check it out. I downloaded the […]


Personalized Google Homepage

If you have not checked out Google’s latest addition (that I have found) to the Google Lab, you should check out their new offering: the Google personalized homepage. At this point in time, it is still pretty basic but is definitely cool. On my Google personalized homepage I watch Apple’s stock prices, read google news, […]


Safari RSS

For a number of years (even before Mac OS 9) I have been accustomed to every morning going to my browser of choice, and loading up several web sites that I commonly go to: my webmail, versiontracker.com, macdevcenter, macnn, macosxhints, php architect, taoofthemac, and cnn. In Mac OS 9, I used a nice AppleScript to […]


The Day is Finally Here

Almost six years to the day, Ken bid me and Amy farewell as we left PA for IL. Now I finally can show Ken some cool places in Chicago (as well as show him how to play caps). 😉 That is all I have to say now.


See You Tomorrow Ken!

After years of not seeing each other, a cold war, and then a few more years of not seeing each other it is once again time to reunite. To most people that I have met since I moved away from PSU, Ken is some sort of legend and finally, everyone will be able to meet […]


U2 Concert Last Night

Last night three friends and I went to see U2 in concert. What a show! We had fantastic seats in the 17th row and U2 was as amazing as ever! I have seen U2 in concert a handful of times, but there was something this time that absolutely blew me away…the number of open cell […]


Blogging Now For One Year!

How time flies. I have now officially kept a blog for one year. It all started with: adult happy meal? and Moveable Type. A year later, I have my entire web site managed with blog software. Unbelievable.

Apple Hints

Mac Mini Surgery: Success!

Well, I ended up purchasing a mac mini (custom build) and a 23″ Cinema Display. (Why the mac mini? I am not happy with the G5 line as of yet) Anyways, there was no way I was going to let Apple put a gig of RAM in for me for over $300 when I could […]

jappler.com Web Development

jappler.com v6 upcoming

My posts have been more sporatic than usual because once again, I got the CSS bug…the need to redo the site I have now to be cleaner with a brand new backend. I am hoping to have the design and backend completely done in the next two days. I have at least 3-4 more hours […]

Apple UNIX

ftp with Mac OS X Server? I'll pass.

When I took over doing support while we look for someone to replace our network admin, I was excited, for a moment, about playing with Mac OS X Server. For a quick moment. The first thing I know, I get a phone call from a remote user who cannot reach the server with ftp. I […]