Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


My New Favorite Browser?

I spend a lot of time each day using a web browser (I have 4 browsers open now…Firefox, IE, Safari, and Camino). If I am not working out CSS bugs, I am looking something up using google.com, or playing a Yahoo! game, or editting my blog, or just looking at my favorite sites. It is […]



Well, you never know what you are going to find in the back yard…

Serenity Now! Standards


This humidity is driving me crazy…how is it that so many others, including myself live in an area that has such extreme temperature changes? I remember a few months ago barely able to go outside to walk Triscuit in the cold, now here I am with extreme heat and humidity. On another note…I have been […]



When I think about my average day in front of the computer and the tasks that I do…it is unbelievable how much different it is and it makes me wonder what everything will look like in 5-10 years. Google’s search engine changed it all. I want to take a moment to thank Dr. McMurry for […]



I found a great search resource this morning: YubNub Using a few commands, you can filter your searches by using certain commands to give the best match possible. Pretty handy. (There is even a Firefox plugin for YubNub) Other than that, I am completely exhausted from my recent travels. I am looking forward to some […]


Voodoo Wings and the Blues

Well instead of coming back early and installing Fedora Core 4, I decided to go out with a friend to a little cajun restaurant and listen to see blues by Watermelon Slim. Good times, great food and I highly recommend both if you are ever in St. Louis.

Food/Drink Places

Tapas in St. Louis

Well, St. Louis is no San Francisco, and definitely no Chicago, but I had some great tapas last night at Mosaic. I have been so busy travelling and creating presentations, I have not had time to sit down and do a few tech tips and HOWTO posts, but never fear, I will be up for […]


My Take On San Fransisco

Feel free to whip out the “wrap it up” box, but I have to give my summary on San Francisco in ten thoughts or less. San Francisco…inital thought: “hate the airport” (it is just not O’Hare). Second random thought…”damn this weather is awesome.” Third random thought…”holy cow, there is no grass, just rows of houses.” […]


Make Your Own Postage Stamps

Something cool to think about next Christmas, etc when you want to send something with a personal touch: make your own postage stamps. You can also make your own stamps at stamps.com. PS. Happy Belated Birthday Triscuit…the big 5!


WWDC Day 5

Today was a long day. Oracle in the morning, network authentication, a few WebObjects sessions, and finally building automator actions for sys admins. Information overload. Some cool links to note: Sign up to play with Oracle’s HTML DB Google’s Open Source Software QuirksMode (Hell is other browsers- Sartre) Day 5 summary: WebObjects is back!!


WWCD Day 4

The Apple Design Awards were last night, and the application Comic Life won Best Product New to Mac OS X. To celebrate, I made a real simple (and not very crafty one frame comic. (I will work on making the picture (not thumbnail) the correct size when I get home when I have some time […]