Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny

Life Stuff

New 3 Wood!

I went to Golfsmith right after work (I had already been to the much preferable Golf Galaxy a few days ago) and decided to try three 3 woods in the practice area so I could make my decision and then spend the rest of the week at the driving range (after work). I, of course, […]

Life Serenity Now!

And It’s In!

Well, this weekend was full of golf…54 holes. On hole 46, I threw my first club ever (3 wood)…and I made sure it was a good throw…into the lake. I had used this 3 wood since the early 90s and my father had used it before then…so it was not like it was anything great. […]

Javascript Web Development

javascript help.

When creating my first Dashboard widget I had to brush up on my javascript skills. I used javascript a little bit in the late 1990s, and since then, I have found PHP or CSS to take care of most of my needs for web development. As most people know, javascript is making quite a comeback […]

CSS jappler.com Web Development

jappler.com dashboard widget!

Time to take things to the next level…my love for (Mac OS X 10.4 + Web Development) = Dashboard widget creation time. When I first got my hands on Mac OS X 10.4, I was not too crazy about Dashboard, but after WWDC I started to like it more and more. I wanted to start […]


awesome dashboard widgets.

So you are bored or need a break and you use Mac OS X 10.4.x. Do you hit F12 and bring up Dashboard? I have to admit, I do not use it as much as I thought I would…but there are some great widgets I would like to share with you. Hula Girl. What is […]

Life Places

Western Open

Well, I had tickets to the Western Open today. I have to say, it was pretty darn cool to see some of my favorite players in action. To see them hit great shots and then to turn around and have difficuly in the sand…well it was priceless. It made me feel much better about my […]

Serenity Now!

presser of buttons.

I have to share a converstation about what I do at work with Amy… Amy: This hot weather is crazy. You should feel the temperature change from 12pm to 5pm just becuase of the suns’s position change. Jen: Yeah, thank goodness I work in an airconditioned building and do not have to go outside. Amy: […]


My New Favorite Browser?

I spend a lot of time each day using a web browser (I have 4 browsers open now…Firefox, IE, Safari, and Camino). If I am not working out CSS bugs, I am looking something up using google.com, or playing a Yahoo! game, or editting my blog, or just looking at my favorite sites. It is […]



Well, you never know what you are going to find in the back yard…

Serenity Now! Standards


This humidity is driving me crazy…how is it that so many others, including myself live in an area that has such extreme temperature changes? I remember a few months ago barely able to go outside to walk Triscuit in the cold, now here I am with extreme heat and humidity. On another note…I have been […]



When I think about my average day in front of the computer and the tasks that I do…it is unbelievable how much different it is and it makes me wonder what everything will look like in 5-10 years. Google’s search engine changed it all. I want to take a moment to thank Dr. McMurry for […]