Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


Awesome Stuff

Just when I thought I was going to be super cool by creating a vodcast, I find out that there is something cooler out there. Is this the future of TV? A big cheers to me for finally working out the max-width error that was making all my PC IE friends (ok probably about 2 […]


Color, gimp.app, and Photoshop

I love Photoshop. I always have. I can still remember the first time I saw it. It was version 3 in a computer lab at Penn State, running on 7100s with Mac OS 7.5.1. It was a rainy day and I was enlisted to help the instructor keep the class of PSU faculty and staff […]


Whoa, Customizable Sneakers!

Wow. I happen to live with someone who has to be the pickiest sneaker shopper ever. We could easily go into 5 different stores and be unsuccessful. The color is wrong, something does not feel right, they are ugly, they do nt have my size…what she really needs is to be able to create her […]


Oregon Trail

Not too many people appreciate my computer collection…and fewer even give me the opportunity to show them what I really have. Tonight was a rare exception. A friend and I were hanging out in my “office” and she looked over at my Apple II GS and asked me if I remembered playing Oregon Trail. I […]


mighty mouse.

Well…after years and years of friends having a multi-button mouse, a mouse with a scroll wheel, and laughing at me and my love for my Apple mouse, Apple releases the Mighty Mouse. I always said I would use whatever Apple provided, and nothing-no matter how cool or how much I was missing out in my […]


Crystal Skulls

This past weekend was full of CSS/XOOPs work (probably a good 16-20 hours). I will have something to show shortly…as soon as I figure out the best way to post static information. Yes, it not as easy as I had orignally thought. Dynamic material…no problem. Static material…it is almost like I am not supposed to […]

Content Management Systems CSS Web Development

up late with XOOPs.

After completely moving towards tabless designs, it is hard to look at the cluttered code of tables in code. I have probably put in 15 hours of playing with XOOPs now, a few of these hours stripping code down to be more CSS driven. I am all about clean code these days, but boy do […]


New Favorite DJ: Project C

I have a ton of CDs, mp3, etc on my computer, but these days my favorite music to listen is located on an internet radio station: Vocal Trance from DI.FM. I have a few favorite radio stations bookmarked in iTunes, but nothing has been more satisfying than this Vocal Trance station for the last few […]

Serenity Now!

plugged in again.

After being just shy of putting 2000 miles for the week the Volvo, me, and A are ok. The trip summed up: Thirteen hours to first destination. Had a new take on evolution and conservation. Saw Emily’s baby, spent some time with A’s family. Went to a baptismal. Got back in the car for a […]



I finally took a few days out of my schedule to unplug, sleep in, and relax. I have been going at 110% for the last few months and decided it was time to take a break. My blog updates this week will be minimal because I am not “available”. (yeah I know the period belongs […]

Serenity Now!

serenity now: backpacks on wheels!

Backpacks. What is so hard about this concept? You have a pack that you put on your back. Your back!! If you do not want to have a “backpack” you can buy something else. If you have a bad back, there are tons of other options…like carrying less, or using something else. So what is […]

Content Management Systems


Well, here I am again, looking at different CMSes for a few projects I have up my sleeve and I decided to compare XOOPS and Mambo. Why those two? I have a few friends that used both and liked them for one reason or another. I decided to download XOOPS after doing a comparison at […]