Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


Nagios Updated

Hi. I spent my exciting day with my old friend Nagios. Due to a few issues, I had to move my Nagios install to a new server, and while I had the time to move it, I also decided it was time to tweak it some. I wanted to point out that Nagios was updated […]

Hosting HOWTOs Software Web Development

Automate cPANEL Backups

For months I have been manually backing up my web sites. Last night, I learned my lesson and realized I needed to have something more dependable in place. (and I am pretty damn dependable). I finally took the time to research the process of automating a CPanel update. The script I found and used is […]


30 Days With the Nokia 6682 and Cingular

The time has come to retire the Treo 600. I got to the point where I actually cared about taking/making calls and the buzzing was driving me and my friends crazy. I have looked at multiple phone/wireless companies. I really liked the Sony Ericsson 910a, but it finally came down to price/technology. The 910a is […]


Yes. It Can Be This Bad

I am not saying where, from whom, or how I got this…but I will say it was not me. 😉 This was so unbelievable, I had to take a picture and share it! PS. 99% of my “personal” web sites are well under 29mb in total. (jappler.com being the exception because of the movies.)

jappler.com WordPress

optimaztion time.

Well, it has been awhile since I have done any maintenance on jappler.com and over the last few weeks, I have noticed a bit of a slow down when the pages load. I took some time today to look at the php code, style sheets, templates, etc and have at least tracked down the problem…somewhat. […]


Super Link to Jen’s Page

Every once and awhile I will come across a really old web page, that somehow…still exists. I thought I would share my latest finding: one of my American Studies class page that I helped my professor create: Taste, Style, and Class in American Culture. It is a shame that the “Super Link to Jen’s Page” […]



House home. House music. My parents or anyone that knew me prior to 1996 can tell you…I like my music and I like my music loud. (1996? yeah…that is when I was forced to keep my music volume lower because of neighbor complaints). Finally…almost 10 years later I am able to crank the volume up […]



I love TV. I love to watch TV, I love to talk about TV, and I love TiVo. What I do not love is not being able to properly connect my TiVo to my receiver/digital cable box/TV and I really hate when I lose the remote. I can be as lazy as the next person, […]


Ahh, Good To Be Back

A few days without internet access is finally a great feeling for me, but comingback to what seems to be endless email…not such a great feeling. During these internet free days (and lots of phone usage) I have finally come to the conclusion that is time to finally leave Cingular. My reception is embarressing and […]