Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny

Hardware HOWTOs

Treo 600 Surgery

The problem: My Treo 600 has been buzzing for the past year or so when I get low on battery. Buzzing to a point where I decided I needed a new phone. Since the new phone did not work out, I decided I had to go back to my old standard: the Treo 600. Unfortunately, […]

Serenity Now!

Volvo For Life?

Dear Volvo, I have been a loyal Volvo owner since I bought my first car almost ten years ago. I know ten years might seem short, but believe me, after I had my first ride in a Volvo, I knew there was no other car I would want to drive and safely get me from […]


This and That TV

Well, it is a “this and that Monday”…lots of random TV related things I want to mention. likeness. I have been catching a lot of the old Dukes of Hazzard reruns on TV late at night, and I have come to a conclusion: George Bush and Roscoe P. Coltrane share many of the same characteristics…and […]


Minute 1 Back With the Tree 600

I finally got rid of the Nokia 6682. Even though I have issues with my Treo, the second I had to type in my password to access the phone, using the QWERTY keyboard…I made peace with my Treo. So far, so good with my Treo re-activation. I had some word with Customer Service yesterday about […]


Day 14 With the Nokia 6682 and Cingular

Well well. I am not in the best of moods. After working on an important several paragraph email for 30 minutes this morning on the train, I have made my decision to turn in my Nokia 6682 phone in the next few days. Yeah, I am not even going to see the full 30 day […]



Ahh yes…another Thanksgiving has come and gone. Thanksgiving would not be complete without some stuffing balls, some sort of family disfunction and, James Bond. This year was no exception. The stuffing balls were amazing, once again. Not really sure what to say about the family dysfunction…there is always something in the air…but at least I […]

CSS Javascript Web Development

kick ass calendar.

Well. A good calendar solution is always needed for business and/or personal needs. I just happened to stumble on a really cool PHP/CSS/AJAX solution: Monket Calendar. Check out the demo. As of now, it is still in beta testing, but it looks promising. (Especially since it supports RSS and iCal…as well as used AJAX. I […]


Nagios Updated

Hi. I spent my exciting day with my old friend Nagios. Due to a few issues, I had to move my Nagios install to a new server, and while I had the time to move it, I also decided it was time to tweak it some. I wanted to point out that Nagios was updated […]

Hosting HOWTOs Software Web Development

Automate cPANEL Backups

For months I have been manually backing up my web sites. Last night, I learned my lesson and realized I needed to have something more dependable in place. (and I am pretty damn dependable). I finally took the time to research the process of automating a CPanel update. The script I found and used is […]


30 Days With the Nokia 6682 and Cingular

The time has come to retire the Treo 600. I got to the point where I actually cared about taking/making calls and the buzzing was driving me and my friends crazy. I have looked at multiple phone/wireless companies. I really liked the Sony Ericsson 910a, but it finally came down to price/technology. The 910a is […]