Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny


How I Spend My Days Off

I decided to take today and tomorrow off from my 9-5 job today. Why? To relax? No. To finish up the painting that still needs to be done? No…hmm, I almost forgot about that. SoCom 3? Nope. I woke up at 730am, and have been working ever since. I took a few minutes to eat […]


Happy Holidays with Barnabas Collins.

I still remember the first night my sister and I saw the two hour season premeire of the 1991 Dark Shadows Revival series. When the series did not get a second season, my sister and I were completely crushed. For Christmas, my sister bought me the DVDs and I, within 5 days, watched the entire […]


jappler frappr.

After thinking about it for a few weeks, I have finally decided to put a link to on my blog page. I created my own map to see how many people who read my blog would actually share their locations with me. Yeah, I could find out this information by looking at my logs, but […]

Content Management Systems jappler.com WordPress

wordpress 2.0

I finally had a few minutes to download the latest Release Candidate of WordPress 2.0 yesterday and install it. Like usual, I created a full backup of my current site files and database, then installed the new version of WordPress and ran the super easy “upgrade” script. I was extrememly surprised when I did not […]


Coach of the Year: Joe Paterno

Not surprising to me, but finally Joe Paterno gets the respect he deserves: Coach of the Year. Good job Joe. I never doubted you. PS. Happy birthday Joe Pa! Why I love Joe: he makes me want to be a better person. (from ESPN article): Now Paterno is in vogue again. Maybe more than ever. […]


helpful css links.

It is that time of year…when I start looking around at my web sites and figuring out what I can do to improve them. First stop: new or cool CSS techniques. I have been gathering helpful bookmarks for the last few months and thought I would pass all my top 6 CSS recent bookmarks onto […]


Big Weekend

Well well..this past weekend was another busy, but exciting weekend with lots of little surprises. The weekend started out by some good times at a local brewery that served the best pork I have ever had, hands down. Saturday was filled with a lot of work and a reminder why I do not live in […]


Quake 4 for Mac, SoCom for PSP

Today was an exciting day! I do not think I have ever spent as much time with a computer game, as I did with Quake III Arena. So, no surprise when I found out Quake 4 Invasion was announced for the Mac, I got excited. Now the question is…will this push me to buy a […]

Serenity Now!

fun with technology.

Well well. I finally have a decent spell check option and it is thanks to the Google Toolbar. I can spellcheck anything in my browser window with a click of the button. I am not known for my spelling skills, so hopefully this will help me. On another fun note…I was getting a Coke on […]


Busy Weekend

Well, this weekend was very jam packed. I started off the weekend by taking A to her first Brazilian steakhouse. Good thing she brought an appetite because you definitely need one at those places! On Saturday I had some co-workers and their dogs over for a dog get together. Triscuit did pretty well with strange […]

Serenity Now!

fun on the metra.

Ahh, nothing says fun like the Metra. Today, the Metra was running late, but I was ok…no hat, but I was rocking out to Maddona’s new CD: Confessions on a Dancefloor. Once the train came, it did not stop in it’s usual spot so everyone’s “position” was off. Again, not a problem for me, I […]


web hosts, the journey continues once again.

Well, after multiple outages in the last few weeks, I think it is once again, time to move to another host. I had high hopes for Host Gator but I cannot handle too many more conversations with the tech support people because of outages. Next up: another go at a VPS account at Liquid Web. […]