Random and Opinionated Thoughts

by: Jennifer Zelazny

Serenity Now!

people pet peeves.

Wow. While I find it interesting dealing with a diverse group of people, I also find it interesting that some people have no clue to to socially interact with others. My short list of people pet peeves begin here. The person who talks over everyone else. Wow. Sound familiar? I pick up the phone to […]


newton os lives!

Whoa. Not only is there a Worldwide Newton Conference there is also a beta out of the Newton OS port on arm-linux. Now we are talking! [tags]Newton OS, Apple Newton, WWNC[/tags]

jappler.com WordPress

wordpress by email.

Wow. Very cool. After several months of wanting to get around to setting up writing posts via email, I finally set it up. Now I can blog from my phone while on the train, in the car, etc. Sound cool? Set it up too! [tags]WordPress[/tags]

Javascript Web Development


After months of reading about it, I thought I would share some of the best articles on AJAX that I have come across: Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications AJAX blog 24 ways to impress your friends (several AJAX articles) AJAX Login System using XMLHttpRequest XMLHttpRequest and AJAX tutorials AJAX Magazine: AJAX Tutorials [tags]AJAX, […]



On my way home from work today, while in deep thought on the train, I came with something I thought I would share. “Appreciate things (people/places/things/situations) for what they are”. What made this come to mind? Dealing with difficult people, stressful situations, and a letter from a friend. But how do you deal with these […]


Relaxation, Finally!

After a long few months of long days and long nights filled with work, I finally took some time to just relax tonight (and get some SoCom 3 in). Earlier this morning (530am) I had finished up a big project Ken (happy birthday Ken!) and I were working on for a few weeks. Next on […]


Cool Findings

Over the past few weeks, I have found a number of really cool things that I wanted to note. Find images visually with Retrievr. Google Analytics. Most people have access to web statistics via their web host, or have purchased web statistics software, but this is really cool, and really easy. Google Sitemaps. I have […]



I have been listening to podcasts for awhile now, and I thought it might be interesting for some people to see what I subscribe to: Despair.com – A great demotivating podcast (great for elitists) Pro PHP – Podcast about PHP programming Engadget – Information about the latest tech gadgets and tech new Security Now! – […]


2006 Orange Bowl

The 2006 Orange Bowl was something to see. When I found out we (Penn State) were going to play Florida State, I was a bit upset that we were playing a low ranked team (PSU was #3 and FSU was #22). I thought the game would be a complete blowout, but as we all saw…it […]

Life TV

Birthday Excitement

Well, if being obsessed with Dark Shadows: The Revival was not enough, now my father-not-in-law-under-W bought me DVD collection 1 and 2 of the original Dark Shadows. I have 80 episodes in total in the first 2 collections. There are twenty-three collections in all…who needs cable? I am excited to compare the 2 series. When […]


2005 in Review From My Perspective

2005 was the “year of the elite” for me. 😉 I had several eye opening and exciting experiences, but also learned some disheartening life lessons as well. Both build character. 2005 Technical Things to Note: I delivered six new web sites (2 with over 1,000 members) (3 used Content Management Systems) this year I brought […]