Yesterday marked an end of an era for me. As of Monday I am going to do web development consulting full time under my company name Sandbox Development and Consulting Inc. As most people can guess or know, I specialize in WordPress content management systems and blogs. I also do a lot of general CSS, XHTML, web standards, and PHP/MySQL development. So – if you ever need any help or are looking for a web development constultant, contact me!
Business Web Development
First Days Working From Home
Well, the first two days of working at home have gone great. I have gotten more stuff done before 8am than I can usually do by the time 8pm comes around. I am able to get up, spend some time with my son, workout, shower, and then start working all in the time it would […]
Web Development
google's my maps.
Google just announced “My Maps which is a great way to add your personal routes, landmarks, etc on a Google Map. This would be awesome to plot out a trip using placemarks with photos/videos taken at specific places. I am excited to play around with this!
Doug Blatti
Corgrats! Finally free!!
Thanks! Overdue, but done.
Awesome Jen – you’re going to have an awesome 2007!!
Thanks Ken – I hope so!