You should know by now, I enjoy random thoughts and factoids. Today, my morning for fun read led me to finally realize what Yahoo! stands for: Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle. I love information like that, and I have to say the rest of that article was pretty interesting too.
My friend Doug recently bought a new set of irons and with it he got an “A” wedge. My father refers to it as a “gap” wedge, but why it is not called a “G” wedge is beyond me. Not knowing this information was bothering me so I finally found what “A” stood for: Attack wedge (definition, source). (This was bothering me much like when something slips your mind and you drive yourself crazy until it randomly re-enters your conciousness.)
The “A” wedge mystery then also led me to ask, “why do we yell ‘fore’ on the golf course when a ball is going towards someone? I finally answered this question too!
Fedora FC3
Now that I am no longer doing any Linux/UNIX training, I thought it would be best to have a Linux machine running so I can stay on top of what I learned. After trying out Mandrake Linux (now Mandiva), considering Yellow Dog, etc, I decided to give Fedora FC3 a try. Why? Well, there is […]
wordpress quicktags fix for safari and photo options.
After taking a look back at Moveable Type, I decided it was time to look for a new photo management plugin for WordPress. I decided to first try PhotoPress because it sounded pretty cool (thumbnails, random pictures, etc) Since the move to WordPress 1.5, I noticed that my quicktags no longer exisited when I used […]
Ken Pesanka
‘Gap wedge’ is the most common term for this wedge, though it is often referred to as an ‘Approach wedge’. ‘Attack wedge’ is also a lesser known name.
Wow, the non-golfer finds an answer! Thanks Ken. Approach makes sense, but Attack sounds more like my style 😉