Feel Better Soon Joe Paterno


There are few people that I admire more than Joe Paterno (Penn State’s head football coach). He inspired me when I went to my first Penn State football game when I was three years old, and he still inspires me today. During our last game in Wisconsin, one of the plays ended up on the sideline, coaches and players were knocked over, but nothing out of the ordinary…until I heard and saw Joe Paterno was among the people who got knocked down. Joe, the tough guy he is, stood up, and as soon as he did, his leg unnaturally hyper extended and I almost got sick to my stomach. I yelled “his leg is broken, his leg is broken” to Amy and I watched him try to keep standing. Finally the trainers and other coaches got him to go over to the bench where they could look at his leg/knee.

What I love about Joe is he is such a strong and positive role model. He wanted to stay strong for the team by trying to stand. He did show his fear or his pain, or even want to sit down. After he flew back to State College, Joe had surgery on Sunday and while in the hospital, started preparing for the next game on Sunday. He is not flashy, he is not concerned about money, and he just wants to keep doing what he loves. I can only hope I live to his age and can still be as happy with my favorite pastime as he is. Feel better Joe!
[tags]Joe Paterno, Penn State, PSU[/tags]

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