Boss October 2024 – The First 10 Days


It is now October 10th – or 1/3 the way through Boss October. Discipline is hard, but failing is even harder.

Part of my focus for this month is to have the discipline to run everyday and to work on my speed. After focusing on endurance running (10+ miles) earlier this year I wanted to try and improve my speed for shorter runs.

As mentioned in my Boss October 2024 goals – I decided to break up the month into three which would be progressively harder as we go. Days 1-10 I would run 1 mile, 11-20 1.5 miles, and then 21-31 2 miles.

While running only a mile a day might sound east for some – if you know me, the first mile of any run whether it is a 2 mile run or a 13 mile run is always the hardest. It is during that time you either settle in or psych yourself out. Generally I tend to psych myself out more times than not so this daily challenge is more mental than anything because in my mind -I am running the hardest mile of any run every day.

Boss October is great in so many ways beyond just exercise. It is about moving through being uncomfortable and realizing you are stronger than you think. It is about being able to look back at the tough things you were able to go through and know can do it.

While our goals are all different – we all will start November feeling proud and with the knowledge that we can do hard things! Ten days in – I am proud. I shaved almost a minute off my mile time and have showed up for myself every day.

Not all days feel great or are easy, but that is life and we might as well make the most of it.

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DJ Derrick E Podcast

I recently was reunited with one of my favorite DJ podcasts: DJ Derrick E and if you do not know who that is – check him out.