A Mac OS X/UNIX newbie asked me if there was any way to show all the hidden files in Mac OS X so that he could browse the UNIX directories when using the Finder. Since there may be others out there that have the same need/want I thought I would share an easy way to show and then hide all hidden files within the Finder.
To show hidden files: open the Terminal application and type: defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
. In order for the Finder to recognize the change, restart the Finder by then typing: killall Finder
To hide hidden files: open the Terminal application and type: defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles FALSE
. In order for the Finder to recognize the change, restart the Finder by then typing: killall Finder
Apple HOWTOs
fun with defaults write in Mac OS X.
Ever since yesterday’s defaults write question and then post, I have been doing some fun research on what else is possible with defaults write Note:Most of these changes require you to restart the finder after entering these into Terminal.app killall Finder. change your screenshot file format: defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleScreenShotFormat JPEG or TIFF or PNG […]
Fusion Radio Chicago
I like to listen to music all day long while working because it helps me get into a good groove. I have recently discovered a new internet radio station: Fusion Radio Chicago which helps during the mundane coding. If you like dance/electronica music give it a shot!
Thank you.
There’s a great way to use Automator to create a workflow and add it to your contextual menu. It works flawlessly under Tiger. I found it here:
Jennifer Zelazny
Thanks for the workflow – that is great!
This is a good hint; I have to do this routinely at work (toggle between show and hide)… so I wrote an app to do it for you.
You can download from here (it’s free):
A public water system that does not serve the same people year-round. ,