Well, I am halfway through my UNIX filesystem training and I wanted to share some useful commands I have learned along the way:
- grep -i = grep ignoring cases
- grep -v name = grep ignoring all lines with “name” in it
- grep word * = grep in the current directory for all lines with “word” in it
- pwd = command to tell you waht directory you are in
- cat = will display files quickly (like pico but read only)
- hitting “q ” in while viewing a man page or other text will take you to a prompt
- less = reads a file (less is used to show man pages by default) you can use the arrow keys to scroll in the document
- which = finds command path
- locate = finds filename in filename database (database is updated with the command updatedb)
- find = finds file names, but actually looks through the filesystem (more resource intensive)
- tar xzvf file.tar.gz = that will decrompress and exapnd the archive
I will be adding more as I go through the rest of my training, but so far I am very happy with my training through O’Reilly and the University of Illinios.