Category: Workouts

Movement changes you. Make tomorrow’s self proud of today.


Today’s Workout: Progressions

Progression workouts are one of my favorite (especially with DVRT sandbags). They require control and flow through multiple movements. Each progression is done for reps and then in between the progressions I through in some core/cardio (20 seconds on 10/seconds off).


The Combine Workout

Looking for a short workout that will make you give everything you have? I was a bit nervous going into this yesterday – but after I was finished (and even still now) I am very proud with the work I put in and my effort. I look forward to doing this again in the future […]


Pacer Workout With Friends

I love pacer workouts. They force me to work harder, faster, and also to cheer others on as we go through the workout. The premise – you have (for example) 5 people working out together doing a circuit (each person is rotating through a group of exercises).


Burpees, Squat Jumps, and Shadow Boxing

Today’s workout is inspired by something I got from Brute Force with a touch of me. The workout: 20 minutes EMOM (every minute on the minute). Set a timer for 20 minutes. Each minute – do 5 squat jumps and 5 burpees. With the remaining time – shadow box. When each new minute starts – […]

Boxing Workouts

Thursday Boxing Workout (Bag)

One of my favorites today is what I would call a counting workout. I call out a combo – and the number of times to throw it and then we hit the bag on my count. Set the clock for 40 minutes and no breaks. Depending on your pace you may need to add or […]