Category: WordPress

Web Development WordPress

WordPress 2.0.5

I spent a few minutes (not hours) updating all my sites to WordPress 2.0.5. So far, everything is working and no issues have come up. If you not upgraded your WordPress installation, check out the fixes in 2.0.5 and then upgrade away. Great work WordPress developers! Web Development WordPress

wordpress permalinks fix.

I had been struggling with the the next/previous links on my WordPress blog now for several months. Nothing excites me about mod_rewrite and permalinks in general. I know both are very powerful, but with power comes frustration. My problem: All my permalinks were working correctly except for the next page/previous page links. WordPress was trying […]

HOWTOs WordPress

iPod and WordPress coolness in one day.

I came across an awesome HOWTO on getting linux and games on your iPod. Now if I just had a color screen iPod (I have gen 2). On another note, now offers “VIP Hosting” which would be a great option for a few projects I am working on. Great job Automattic! [tags]iPod, linux, games, […]

Content Management Systems Web Development WordPress

wordpress resources.

I have been creating more CMS web site solutions using WordPress over the last year and and have collected some great resources along solid product right out of the box, it is highly configurable, there are endless plugins, and everything is well documented. So, if you are ever looking to build a web site using […]

Web Development WordPress

CSS positioning.

There are few things that drive me more crazy than CSS, and yet I work with it and actually enjoy it on occasion (when it is all over and QA’ed). The last few days have been CSS hell. I will note that I have finally reached the point in my career where I use the […]


WP-rssStats development has begun.

After reading a few crucial chapters of the PHP and MySQL Web Development book I purchased a few weeks ago (I am still plugging away at it), I have decided to finally begin the actual programming of my first WordPress plugin – WP-rssStats. (see my first wordpress plugin: WP-rssStats post for more info). At this […]

Web Development WordPress

my first wordpress plugin: WP-rssStats.

After talking to Scott I finally have a plugin which I am excited to develop and excited to share with the WordPress community…a plugin that will allow WordPress admins to see exactly how many people are subscribing to your WordPress RSS feed and who these people are. Why would I do this when Feedburner is […]

Web Development WordPress

wordpress 2.0.1/tasks 1.6 update.

I decided to update WordPress to 2.0.1 and only have found an issue with one plugin (PageNavi). A huge thanks to the WordPress development team who have once again, released an easy-to-update release. As always, make sure you backup your WordPress install before upgrading. I also updated my Tasks Pro install yesterday to 1.6 and […]

Content Management Systems WordPress

wordpress development.

I have been using open source solutions for over seven years now. (my first open source experience was with mailman and then ht://dig and squirrelmail soon after – all of which I still use today) I made it a priority to get involved with at least one open source project this year, and to start […] WordPress

wordpress by email.

Wow. Very cool. After several months of wanting to get around to setting up writing posts via email, I finally set it up. Now I can blog from my phone while on the train, in the car, etc. Sound cool? Set it up too! [tags]WordPress[/tags]