Category: Technology

Love it or hate it – it is here to stay.


Back to School Code Cleanup

Whether working on projects with a fast change cycle or something that has not been changed recently – it is always a good idea to step back and review your code from time to time. Generally most people put it off for when “things slow down” or do not do it because “if it works […]

Hardware TV

No One Knows Me Like TiVo…

I recently upgraded to a TiVo Premiere a few weeks ago and since the hardrive is significantly bigger than my previous Series 2 TiVo – I decided to let TiVo make suggestions of what to record with TiVo suggestions and was pleasantly surprised. I have gotten back into the original Batman series (Adam West, Gilligan’s […]

Back from Blog Vacation – Goodbye Facebook!

Just as we all need a vacation from work, etc – I needed a vacation from blogging. I took a month off to think about what I wanted to do with this and my other blogs, as well as my presence on Twitter, Facebook, etc. I have been thinking about the time I spend on […]


WordPress 3.0 (beta1)

I have been testing WordPRess 3.0 for a few weeks now and have been very happy with what I have seen so far. The merge of Standalone WordPress and WPMU code is huge for me as you then only have one code base to maintain and develop for. As always – the developers continue to […]


My iPad

My iPad…do I love it? Yes. Is it everything I imagined? Yes. Is it better than expected? Yes. Is the keyboard easy to use? Yes. Do I love it? Oh my yes. Am I using it now for this post? Yes! Beautiful work Apple. I best describe this as “the future”.

Excuse the Dust

I am in the process of re-organizing and re-doing a lot of the backend of my sites so if you see anything out of place or broken – I am on it 😉


Ahh, the iPad

Well – I have been holding my breath since the death of the Newton (10+ years ago) for something like the iPad and the day is finally here. Will I get one? For sure! Even the first version? Yes! (Even though Ben usually gets screwed with version 1 of Apple products – my favorite all […] WordPress

WordPress 2.9 RC 1

Well – it is that time again – another new version of WordPress is coming out in the next few days (WordPress 2.9). I am running WordPress 2.9 RC 1 here on and only one issue so far. If you have not read anything about the newest version soon to be available and you […]


The Only Apple x Killer is Apple

All these crazy commercials and talk about the new Droid phone makes me smile. I think back about all the proposed “Apple x killers (x = Mac, Newton, iPod, iPhone) and what makes me smile is there is no third party Apple product killer and I do not see any in the foreseeable future. The […]

Try and Try Again

Well – In the past I thought about posting on a particular subject certain days of the week would be good for me and something the readers might find interesting…until I started dreading it, posting less, getting a lot less comments, and realized I was pushing content like traditional media (I say when and where, […]