Category: Technology

Love it or hate it – it is here to stay.

Hints UNIX

network help.

Well. Today I relived my college days as a student taking Math 110 (Business Calculus). I felt like I understood…so much that I thought I got a 90% or above on the exam…then reality would set in and I would get a 47%. Welcome to 2004, Networking/DNS now replaces Math 110…and I am stuck on […]

CSS Standards Web Development

css, a voyage.

Oh my. Well, by blog was getting ugly with all of my leftover CSS problems, so I decided to sit down and figure this out. I have 95% of all this figured out, still some problems with Firefox and the li dots. I am not happy with the word/letter spacing, but who knows. All this […]

Apple Hints HOWTOs UNIX

configuring ipfw on mac os x 10.3.

Sometimes the GUI is awesome. Sometimes you just need more control over your conf files that the GUI offers. I wanted to have more specific firewall rules for my computers and servers running Mac OS X Client, more than the default OS X 10.3 built-in firewall configuration that is provided. First, let’s look at all […]


Apple replacement parts.

Well, every once and awhile you will need a part for your computer. Perhaps your dog trips on the PowerBook power cord, and makes you test your reflexes, but your good reflexes cause the PowerBook’s screen to flip back causing the metal…yes metal to break. At this point you would be looking for a top […]

Hints UNIX

helpful UNIX commands.

Well, I am halfway through my UNIX filesystem training and I wanted to share some useful commands I have learned along the way: grep -i = grep ignoring cases grep -v name = grep ignoring all lines with “name” in it grep word * = grep in the current directory for all lines with “word” […]

Content Management Systems Web Development

content management systems.

So perhaps you have considered implementing a content management system for yourself of your company. I have gone back and forth several times. Do I want to use one because of all the feautures and role based options? Do I want to not use one so I can fully customize everything? Do I have time […]

Hints HOWTOs Web Development

encoding email addresses.

Spam. We are all sick of it. Contact information…if you have a web site it is most likely you will need to post your contact information (email address) somewhere. To stop robots from spidering your email address, I would suggest encoding it. Yeah, if you notice my email address is not always encoded on my […] Standards Web Development

another day, another design.

This is officially design #4 for My web sites are always evolving, and I am always trying to build my template library, so here we are again. I needed a PSU blue for my site, and I finally have it. I have not used this blue since 1998, and when looking at my site…all […]