Category: Technology

Love it or hate it – it is here to stay.


mysql database corruption.

What got me up early Saturday and then up at 1am on Sunday? Server hardware failure…which led to some database corruption. I have never had to deal with database corruption, so I did not even know my problem was database corruption until after calling the helpful tech guys at Liquid Web. (I am not one […]

Web Development WordPress

wordpress 2.0.1/tasks 1.6 update.

I decided to update WordPress to 2.0.1 and only have found an issue with one plugin (PageNavi). A huge thanks to the WordPress development team who have once again, released an easy-to-update release. As always, make sure you backup your WordPress install before upgrading. I also updated my Tasks Pro install yesterday to 1.6 and […]

CSS Web Development

web development fun.

You know the drill…one link leads to another and then to another until I stumbled onto Scott Johnson’s blog. One of his blog posts mentioned wanting some resumes for some CSS contract work so since I have some extra time, I decided to send him a copy of my resume and portfolio…and I am happy […]

Apache Web Development

apache 2.20, php 5, and mysql 5 on mac os x.

After finally getting some to to set up my development environment, I began thinking…why am I not using Apache 2.2 and PHP 5.1.2? What made me think about this? “Legacy Release” The phrase “legacy release” is what described Apache 1.3.x as in their news section. I have been using Apache 1.x for several years […]

Content Management Systems WordPress

wordpress development.

I have been using open source solutions for over seven years now. (my first open source experience was with mailman and then ht://dig and squirrelmail soon after – all of which I still use today) I made it a priority to get involved with at least one open source project this year, and to start […]

Web Development

web 2.0.

I know I reference several web pages, blog posts, etc but if you only one of my links this entire year…do yourself a favor and read O’Reilly’s article on web 2.0 “What Is Web 2.0. If you decide to follow two links, check out the other web 2.0 article: “The Hype and the Hullabaloo of […]


newton os lives!

Whoa. Not only is there a Worldwide Newton Conference there is also a beta out of the Newton OS port on arm-linux. Now we are talking! [tags]Newton OS, Apple Newton, WWNC[/tags] WordPress

wordpress by email.

Wow. Very cool. After several months of wanting to get around to setting up writing posts via email, I finally set it up. Now I can blog from my phone while on the train, in the car, etc. Sound cool? Set it up too! [tags]WordPress[/tags]

Javascript Web Development


After months of reading about it, I thought I would share some of the best articles on AJAX that I have come across: Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications AJAX blog 24 ways to impress your friends (several AJAX articles) AJAX Login System using XMLHttpRequest XMLHttpRequest and AJAX tutorials AJAX Magazine: AJAX Tutorials [tags]AJAX, […]

jappler frappr.

After thinking about it for a few weeks, I have finally decided to put a link to on my blog page. I created my own map to see how many people who read my blog would actually share their locations with me. Yeah, I could find out this information by looking at my logs, but […]

Content Management Systems WordPress

wordpress 2.0

I finally had a few minutes to download the latest Release Candidate of WordPress 2.0 yesterday and install it. Like usual, I created a full backup of my current site files and database, then installed the new version of WordPress and ran the super easy “upgrade” script. I was extrememly surprised when I did not […]