Category: Technology

Love it or hate it – it is here to stay.

Apple HOWTOs

troubleshooting rss feed problems in safari.

I now subscribe to almost 100 RSS feeds and use Safari to manage my them. Over the last year, I have run into problems with some of my RSS feeds where there is an error with one RSS feed and the error text seems to leak into other feeds. The blog/news entries still appear correctly, […]


new apple commercials.

I enjoy a good Apple commercial and am happy to see there are a few new ones out. If you have not seen them on TV yet, check them out on Apple’s web site. [tags]Apple, Mac commercials[/tags]


jen uses a mighty mouse.

Well, I finally had a reason to go out and pick up a new mouse this past weekend…and I bought a Mighty Mouse. People who know me will tell you that I have stuck by Apple and have used a single button mouse my entire life, until now. I have not programmed the other buttons […]

Apple HOWTOs

fun with defaults write in Mac OS X.

Ever since yesterday’s defaults write question and then post, I have been doing some fun research on what else is possible with defaults write Note:Most of these changes require you to restart the finder after entering these into killall Finder. change your screenshot file format: defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleScreenShotFormat JPEG or TIFF or PNG […]

Apple HOWTOs

Show Hidden Files in Mac OS X

A Mac OS X/UNIX newbie asked me if there was any way to show all the hidden files in Mac OS X so that he could browse the UNIX directories when using the Finder. Since there may be others out there that have the same need/want I thought I would share an easy way to […]

Web Development

Cool Tasks Pro Feature

I have been using some version of Tasks since 2003 and absolutely love it. Not only does it help me organize my thoughts and projects, it also provides me with a searchable database of all the solutions I have come up with for my projects. For the last several months I have been using Tasks […]


Last Friday I decided to finally check out FeedBurner. I am now using their service for my RSS feed, so anyone who reads subscribes to my RSS feed will notice some changes. Now via RSS, you are able to: Email the post to anyone Add the post to Add comments Read Comments Check out […]

Web Development

top ten web design pet peeves.

After working with HTML and web design for just about ten years, I have found a number of things that drive me crazy with other people’s designs/web sites…so here is the top ten in order: lack of cross platform and multiple browser QA lack of search a new window that when it opens, maximizes to […]



Instead of practicing my short game or enjoying the nice weather in the backyard on the hammock, I decided to spend my day yesterday squashing IE 6 bugs. Issue #1 and #2 that took me several hours to resolve: Everything displayed fine in Safari, Opera, Firefox, etc but not in IE 6 for the PC. […]


2G iPod on last leg.

I bought my iPod back in 2002. It is big and bulky, but trouble free for four years. Last week when I tried to scroll through the menus to chose a song to listen to, my screen went faint, and would only show contrast upon getting to certain points in the menu. When connected to […] Serenity Now!

time to take a big deep breath.

The last week has been absolutely crazy. I had a house full of house guests from Thursday until Sunday Amy and I brought Ava to her new home on Saturday where she has a 14 year old greyhound sister as well as a beagle too Huge storms here on Sunday/Monday…so strong our front door (glass/screen) […]

CSS Web Development

jappler v14.

Well, I have done it again, a slight redesign to the eye, but a major overhaul on the backend. I have pretty much converted all what once were graphics into text with CSS. I have been working on this for a few weeks now and when I get a few minutes here and there, I […]