Category: Technology

Love it or hate it – it is here to stay.

Business Web Development

new portfolio is available to view.

I finally had a few minutes to update my company’s (SDAC Inc) web development portfolio. If you are interested to see what I have been busy working on in the last two years, check out my consulting web development portfolio. You will notice I mainly focus on building dynamic web sites using WordPress as a […]



From the developers of WordPress comes new forum software called bbPress. Not only is this great news for people who just need forum software, this is awesome news for those who also use WordPress because of user integration. Still not convinced WordPress can function as a lightweight, fast CMS? bbPress is a huge step, in […]

feedburner (email posts) error.

Thanks for everyone that signed up to read the Evan news via email. I am sorry to say though that what you signed up for was to have these (jappler) posts emailed to you and that is my fault…I forgot to change one piece of code. Please unsubscribe from this by clicking the “unsubscribe” link […]

it's a boy!

I have decided to finally share some awesome news…my partner and I are expecting a baby and being who I am and doing what I do, I have decided to create a web site for my soon to be child so that I can share all the information with my family and friends since many […]

big news/anouncement soon!

It is usually pretty accurate to say/think that when I do not post for multiple days in row, I must be up to something. I have been working on a special project for a few weeks that I will reveal either tomorrow or Saturday. Stay tuned for some big news/announcments in the next two days! […]

Javascript Web Development

A Weekend Full of Learning

What a crazy and full weekend! Many thanks to Demitrious for helping me out this weekend with PHP. If you are a beginner, check out Demtrious’s article: Poor Man’s Debugger. This article helped me greatly over the past weekend and I feel like I now have a good handle on what to do when things […]

Apple Hints Serenity Now!

Fun With Postfix and Launchd

If it is not one thing, it is another. I recently had to set up a web server using Mac OS X 10.4 that needed PHP 5 and Postfix so I could send email via a particular PHP script. I used Marc Liyanage ‘s PHP 5 package and then decided to to then use Mac […]

HOWTOs WordPress

iPod and WordPress coolness in one day.

I came across an awesome HOWTO on getting linux and games on your iPod. Now if I just had a color screen iPod (I have gen 2). On another note, now offers “VIP Hosting” which would be a great option for a few projects I am working on. Great job Automattic! [tags]iPod, linux, games, […]

Hints HTML/XTML Web Development

using the title attribute in html links.

Ever wonder how to get a mouse over “tool tip” to appear without much hassle? Use the title attribute (keep your mouse over the link for a few seconds to see this in action). Not only does this help your users/readers get more information, it also helps people who are using auditory browsers will have […]

Content Management Systems Web Development WordPress

wordpress resources.

I have been creating more CMS web site solutions using WordPress over the last year and and have collected some great resources along solid product right out of the box, it is highly configurable, there are endless plugins, and everything is well documented. So, if you are ever looking to build a web site using […]


Mini Stack

To address my increasing backup needs as well as my need for more FireWire and USB ports, I decided to buy a miniStack (500GB). I own a Mac Mini and so the miniStack seemed like the perfect solution. Now comes my friendly reminder to all those reading that do not back up…back it up! On […]

Web Development WordPress

CSS positioning.

There are few things that drive me more crazy than CSS, and yet I work with it and actually enjoy it on occasion (when it is all over and QA’ed). The last few days have been CSS hell. I will note that I have finally reached the point in my career where I use the […]