Category: Technology

Love it or hate it – it is here to stay.

Business Web Development

My Company Blog: Reloaded

If you find my WordPress and web development posts helpful, I would also recommend reading my company blog. I have been the last few weeks making sure that the content was more organized, the layout was clearer, and the posting frequency increased. I generally post about WordPress related tricks, tips, howtos, but also post about […]


repairing a mysql table

I have run into some database problems over the years, but had to do something different today when I saw that this site had a problematic table (wp_posts). When I looked at the issue first, I got the message “MySQL error code 145 = Table was marked as crashed and should be repaired”. To repair […]

Web Development

don't overlook bbpress!

It has been awhile since I worked with bbPress (lightweight, fast, and secure forum software), but I recently finished up a small project working on a custom theme for bbPress. If you are looking for forum software, and better yet – and also use WordPress – bbPress might be a good solution for you. There […]


Jappler Menus in WordPress

Awhile back, I put something together (sons of suckerfish and sliding doors) and then was recently asked how to get this to work dynamically in WordPress. The key to getting this to work dynamically is to first choose how you want to organize your site. I have done numerous sites based on categories and a […]

Hosting HOWTOs Web Development

Jappler Recommends: CPsafe.

Start the year of right – set up a backup system! A few years ago, I documented how to backup your web sites, databases, email, etc when your host uses CPanel to a remote FTP server. Since then, there have been several CPanel updates and Perl updates that the script no longer works so I […]

Apple Hints HOWTOs

Show Network Mounts on Desktop in Mac OS X 10.5

After spending more time than I would have liked trying to figure out how to get any network shares/mounts to show up on my Desktop like they did before I upgraded to Leopard, I finally figured it out. It is possible and it is easy to set up. If you want to have your servers […] Serenity Now!

Welcome 2008

I return to blogging a year older and a little more relaxed now that the holidays are done. I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays and are ready for a great year! I am in the midst of catching up with work, and getting everything back in order. I learned that the holiday time is more […]

Serenity Now! Web Development WordPress

WordPress MU Spam

I recently finished up migrating a site for a client (WordPress MU) from one host to another. I got an email requesting the migration from someone that said “it was a simple blog with only a few plugins”. When I took my initial look, I counted 30 plugins, and a database with 2093 tables (WordPress […]

CSS Web Development WordPress Update 14.8

After working on clients’ web sites all day long, I often realize that this web site could benefit from things I learn while working on other projects. In the past few months I have put together some pretty amazing web sites that really bend WordPress so that the users can do just about any update […]

Apple Serenity Now! Version 3.1

I have been using Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5) for multiple weeks now, and I am absolutely fed up with (others are as well). I rely heavily on email for all aspects of my business, and I finally had to resort to using webmail today so I would not waste any more time troubleshooting […]