Category: Technology

Love it or hate it – it is here to stay.


WordPress 2.5 Admin Color Schemes

Thankfully – it is now easy to change the colors in the WordPress Admin. I thought the new color scheme was a bit washed out – but just today they added another option which was much more vibrant. You can choose your Admin color theme by logging in, choosing Users, then selecting the color scheme. WordPress

WordPress 2.5 Beta 1: One Click Plugin Updates!

On my company blog, I blogged about my initial thoughts on WordPress 2.5 beta 1. I have since then updated to WordPress 2.5 beta 1 and have been pretty darn happy with it so far. All my plugins on made the upgrade without any issues and this morning when I logged into my web […]


Followup: Bluetooth Cordless Phone

I recently posted about the bluetooth cordless phone I ordered. Yesterday I got everything set up and to my surprise – both my iPhone and Amy’s Sony Ericsson something or other phone both paired without any problems and everything works quite nicely! I would definitely recommend this phone (or type of phone) to anyone who […]

Hardware Serenity Now!

Bluetooth Cordless Phone

I was in the market for new cordless phones after being completely disgusted with the Uniden UI and came across something I found pretty interesting: cordless phones that would allow me to make/take calls from my home line and my cell phone. A and I are famous for not hearing my cell phone while at […]

CSS Hints

Quick and Easy CSS Layout: YUI CSS Grid Builder

If you are not comfortable with CSS or want to get a layout together really quick – check out the YUI CSS Grid Builder. You can easily create a layout, add content, and get the code in a matter of minutes. At the very least – this is a great starting point for beginners! Check […]

HOWTOs WordPress

WordPress Thumbnails/PodPress Fix

WordPress has a great feature where it will make thumbnails out of any image you upload when creating a post. When you have PodPress installed (a great podcast plugin), the thumbnails option disappears. Finally I got sick of this and found the solution. If you ever run into this – now you know how to […]


New Paint, Old Color

It is funny how you sometimes seem to always return to the same color. I recently decided to repaint my office (the only room we did not repaint after buying the house) from a boring beige to something a bit richer that would of course look nice with my desk and most importantly – my […]