Category: Random

Is it really random or is there a pattern here?


The Decent Thing To Do

After a confusing day filled with follies of all sorts…I have to ask someone (because my answer is biased): do standards (both technical and personal) and hard work really matter? The day started off by me losing the last spot in my normal train parking lot to someone that I waved in front of me […]

Hints Standards Web Development

Clean Code With Tidy

When I first started creating web pages with using SimpleText or BBEdit, my code was super clean…it might not have been as complicated as it now, but everything was in it’s place and it was damn impressive to look at. Enter in GoLive CyberStudio (now Adobe GoLive). Lots of great features and awesome site management, […]

CSS Standards Web Development

Day 3: Panic, Day 4: Done.

Well, yesterday after hours of frustration and CSS style sheet number three, I started thinking that what I wanted was not possible…not even close. Thoughts entered my mind like : “maybe I will forward all IE users to a nice web site on standards” and “maybe I could pdf my web site and make users […]


beautiful desktop pictures.

There are some days when I cannot work until I am happy with my desktop picture. I have been known to scour certain web sites for the perfect desktop picture and I like to think I am familiar with the top desktop picture web sites (per my taste) but I was stunned to find a […]


flavors from around the world.

Back in November when I went to the World of Coca Cola with my friend Doug, we sampled flavors of pops from all over the world. Today, I have finally had a chance to post pictures of what we sampled. Some good, some bad, but none better than Coke itself. PS. Stay away from pop […]


American Folklore

Not often do I even bookmark a non-technical web site, but I have found one I am going to add to my bookmarks. (Yes I am a Netscape girl, no “favorites” on my system.) If you have some time and want to enjoy some light reading about American Folklore, check out: I will never […]

HOWTOs Standards

access your home computers from anywhere

There comes a time when you are at work, travelling, or somewhere where you “really wish you could access your home computer(s).” Some people are fortunate enough to have static ips so they can simply access their computer by using their static IP. For most of us, we have to deal with dynamic IPs. For […]


Google Research

Well, what do you know? Google has built a search engine that will search acedemic papers (Google Scholar). (And I though Lexus-Nexus and the online card catalog was cool) Good job Google!


Seinfeld on DVD, Finally (take 2)

The show full of “what’s the deal with this?” and “can you believe that?” is making me ask the same questions. From reading about the show’s DVD release… I found this deal which advertises all nine seasons for one price, but all the big stores (Best Buy, are only offering Seasons 1-3 on DVD. […]

Serenity Now! Standards

the joys of hotels.

I travel pretty frequently. Not everyone does travel a lot, so I can understand that certain travel specific hassles and the likes would not bother people like it bothers me. Yet, I also drink a lot of water (and Coke (not Pepsi)) so I often have to go to the bathroom. Regardless of how much […]

Serenity Now! Standards

perfume is a side, not the main course.

The county tax office, when the deadline for taxes is a few days away, is like the DMV on a good day. Tons of people, no organization, and weird smells. As I was filling out the paperwork for my exemption, a woman sat down next to me. You know the type…no sense of personal space […]