Category: Life

Life happens in the small moments…enjoy and learn from them.



When I think about my average day in front of the computer and the tasks that I do…it is unbelievable how much different it is and it makes me wonder what everything will look like in 5-10 years. Google’s search engine changed it all. I want to take a moment to thank Dr. McMurry for […]

Food/Drink Places

Tapas in St. Louis

Well, St. Louis is no San Francisco, and definitely no Chicago, but I had some great tapas last night at Mosaic. I have been so busy travelling and creating presentations, I have not had time to sit down and do a few tech tips and HOWTO posts, but never fear, I will be up for […]


My Take On San Fransisco

Feel free to whip out the “wrap it up” box, but I have to give my summary on San Francisco in ten thoughts or less. San Francisco…inital thought: “hate the airport” (it is just not O’Hare). Second random thought…”damn this weather is awesome.” Third random thought…”holy cow, there is no grass, just rows of houses.” […]


People In My Life

Just a quick post to thank Ken for helping me (via video conference and telephone). Ken, feel free to call on me for some CSS magic at any time 😉 When I am overwhelmed and need an entertainment break, I often search for people I know, today I came up with a picture and article […]


The Day is Finally Here

Almost six years to the day, Ken bid me and Amy farewell as we left PA for IL. Now I finally can show Ken some cool places in Chicago (as well as show him how to play caps). 😉 That is all I have to say now.


See You Tomorrow Ken!

After years of not seeing each other, a cold war, and then a few more years of not seeing each other it is once again time to reunite. To most people that I have met since I moved away from PSU, Ken is some sort of legend and finally, everyone will be able to meet […]


U2 Concert Last Night

Last night three friends and I went to see U2 in concert. What a show! We had fantastic seats in the 17th row and U2 was as amazing as ever! I have seen U2 in concert a handful of times, but there was something this time that absolutely blew me away…the number of open cell […]


My McDonalds Experience in 750 Characters Or Less

McDonalds is asking old/current McDonalds employees to share their McDonalds experience with them in 750 characters or less so here is what I submitted: I love McDonalds, I always have. Nothing sounded better to me when I was little than a plain hamburger happy meal, in a cool box, with great McDonalds cookies, coke, and […]

Serenity Now!

soup nazi.

It never fails that I can say “Do you watch Seinfeld? Do you remember the episode when…” and then I go on about how much my situation sounds like something in a Seinfeld episode. Well, yet again, Seinfeld enters my life… And for all of us who do not live in New York City, we […]



Over the last few months I have been studying people and their priorities. I think we are living in a very uncomfortable time and that historians one hundred years from now will find our society and our choices both unbelievable and fascinating. I have been trying to wrap my brain around one question: how do […]


Interesting Web and Golf Factoids

You should know by now, I enjoy random thoughts and factoids. Today, my morning for fun read led me to finally realize what Yahoo! stands for: Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle. I love information like that, and I have to say the rest of that article was pretty interesting too. My friend Doug recently bought […]