Category: Life

Life happens in the small moments…enjoy and learn from them.

Serenity Now!

email forwards.

You know the situation. You have friends that think you want to read their stupid forwards. How many times have I recieved an email from someone that said “just try it” or “what do you have to lose?” or “this really works!!!”. Sure. Thanks for just wasting my time deleting your message. Then, without doubt, […]


Awesome Stuff

Just when I thought I was going to be super cool by creating a vodcast, I find out that there is something cooler out there. Is this the future of TV? A big cheers to me for finally working out the max-width error that was making all my PC IE friends (ok probably about 2 […]


New Favorite DJ: Project C

I have a ton of CDs, mp3, etc on my computer, but these days my favorite music to listen is located on an internet radio station: Vocal Trance from DI.FM. I have a few favorite radio stations bookmarked in iTunes, but nothing has been more satisfying than this Vocal Trance station for the last few […]

Serenity Now!

plugged in again.

After being just shy of putting 2000 miles for the week the Volvo, me, and A are ok. The trip summed up: Thirteen hours to first destination. Had a new take on evolution and conservation. Saw Emily’s baby, spent some time with A’s family. Went to a baptismal. Got back in the car for a […]



I finally took a few days out of my schedule to unplug, sleep in, and relax. I have been going at 110% for the last few months and decided it was time to take a break. My blog updates this week will be minimal because I am not “available”. (yeah I know the period belongs […]

Serenity Now!

serenity now: backpacks on wheels!

Backpacks. What is so hard about this concept? You have a pack that you put on your back. Your back!! If you do not want to have a “backpack” you can buy something else. If you have a bad back, there are tons of other options…like carrying less, or using something else. So what is […]

Life Stuff

New 3 Wood!

I went to Golfsmith right after work (I had already been to the much preferable Golf Galaxy a few days ago) and decided to try three 3 woods in the practice area so I could make my decision and then spend the rest of the week at the driving range (after work). I, of course, […]

Life Serenity Now!

And It’s In!

Well, this weekend was full of golf…54 holes. On hole 46, I threw my first club ever (3 wood)…and I made sure it was a good throw…into the lake. I had used this 3 wood since the early 90s and my father had used it before then…so it was not like it was anything great. […]

Life Places

Western Open

Well, I had tickets to the Western Open today. I have to say, it was pretty darn cool to see some of my favorite players in action. To see them hit great shots and then to turn around and have difficuly in the sand…well it was priceless. It made me feel much better about my […]

Serenity Now!

presser of buttons.

I have to share a converstation about what I do at work with Amy… Amy: This hot weather is crazy. You should feel the temperature change from 12pm to 5pm just becuase of the suns’s position change. Jen: Yeah, thank goodness I work in an airconditioned building and do not have to go outside. Amy: […]



Well, you never know what you are going to find in the back yard…

Serenity Now! Standards


This humidity is driving me crazy…how is it that so many others, including myself live in an area that has such extreme temperature changes? I remember a few months ago barely able to go outside to walk Triscuit in the cold, now here I am with extreme heat and humidity. On another note…I have been […]