Category: Life

Life happens in the small moments…enjoy and learn from them.



109,839 fans filled the stands at Beaver Stadium on a cold and rainy evening to watch the PSU v. Ohio game. 109,839 people in attendance, millions of home viewers, and my grandmother in her hospital bed, staying up until almost midnight…watched an awesome and well balanced game with Penn State leaving on top. We are […]


Amy and Alissa’s Journeys

If you have not checked out my friend Amy’s blog, and you are interested in traveling around the world, are bored, or need a good laugh..check it out. Her stories are great and educational. I cannot wait to talk to her in person.


Way to Go Joe!

Last year at this time, it was really hard to watch a PSU game…not becuase they would most likely lose, but because the sports announcers would spend a good chunk of the game discussing how Joe Paterno needs to retire. I was fed up and disgusted…but can you guess what story made the front page […]


Congrats Ken!

I just wanted to take a moment to congratulate Ken for passing the Zend Certification Exam this past weekend. I am very proud of him, and hope to pass the exam myself in the next few months. Kick ass Ken! [tags]Ken, Zend Certification[/tags]


Penn State v. Northwestern

This weekend is the big weekend. I will be at the PSU v. Northwestern game to see the Nittany Lions’ Big Ten season opener. I am so excited to see Joe Paterno in action once again. Go Penn State!!


Triscuit Update

Ah Triscuit. She is such a champ. She now officially loves using a pillow (like in the picture from yesterday’s post), and is not limping as bad as Sunday. Of course, she walks perfect when other dogs are around, but getting up out of bed is still a little hard. She does not too much […]



Well, after deciding we needed to treat Triscuit to a nice fun day, we packed up the car and took her to a local dog training club that was having a “Save the miniature pinchers” fundraiser. For a small fee, you could have your dog partake in lure coursing. Since Triscuit is a retired racer […]

Apple Serenity Now!

crazy safari.

Not sure if anyone else has accidentally done what I just did, but I got a kick out of it and thought I would share. I looking at a web site in Safari and decided I wanted to grab the URL and drag it onto my desktop for later use. Instead, I heard the “poof” […]

Serenity Now!

a good compromise.

I bought Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 4 today…and I wanted to share one of my favorite quotes from the season with everyone. “A good compromise is when both parties are dissatisfied.”

Serenity Now!

larry david moment: the metra station friendly stranger.

Yeah. I am a Seinfeld fan. I often give the name Elaine Benes when making reservations, and my vocabulary is full of words/statements that are from Seinfeld and Curb your Enthusiasm. I could have written an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm with my thought process/actions yesterday…so I thought I would share. Some think it is […]

Games Life

That Time of Year

Well, I have one last weekend before the madness begins. The Penn State fight song and other Blue Band classics will be heard blasting from my office and iPod. My priorities shift…golf on Saturdays will take a back seat to college football. I, of course, love Penn State football and Joe Paterno, but living where […]


all work, no play!

It is coming up on a month since I last golfed…but thankfully that is about to end. The last few weekends I have been putting in 8 hours or more (hours seem like minutes) of work per day between my work with Solaris, Apache, XOOPS, and organizing my workspace. Although I have accomplished a lot, […]