Category: Life

Life happens in the small moments…enjoy and learn from them.


Penn State Facts and Rankings

Yesterday marked the move in day for new and returning Penn State students and in that spirit, I thought I would note a few of Penn State’s ranking facts. (Not to mention this weekend is our first football game of the season!! I look forward to another year of Joe!) UCLA is the only University […]


Recent Finds

I have been swamped finishing up some large projects recently, but in the few minutes of downtime I have, I have found some cool web sites I would like to share: If you have not heard of popurls (popular URLS to the latest web buzz) you should definitely check it out. A friend of mine […]

Serenity Now!

The Importance of Communication

Communication is very important to me and is the basis of a good relationship – personal or business. Over the last few weeks I have seen how good communication can be very beneficial and how bad communication can lead to mistrust, tension, and overall unhappiness. Case One – Good communication. I am finishing up a […]


Sports Weekend Ahead

Let’s hope for nice weather for the next few days. Amy is off to the Bears game tonight with some friends, tomorrow I will be at the PGA Championship, and Sunday I am going to golf at Cary Country Club.


Camp Greyhound Summer 2006

For the last two weeks, Amy and I have been dog sitting two amazing greyhounds: Wish and Gopher. I thought I would share some cute/fun pictures of them, plus our dog Triscuit. Having three large dogs in the house has been hectic (all three taking a walk at the same time in an area with […]

Life Software

Meebo me.

I have been using meebo for some time now on and off and a few days ago I added a “Meebo Me” widget to my resume sidebar to test out and I have to say…it is very cool. I am considering adding the widget to my home page as well as to my blog page, […]


Great Read/Podcast!

I took a week off after my trip back east to get caught up on some of my business needs (make new business cards, set up payroll, clean up my files, catch up with all my business expenses/bookeeping. While going through my usual RSS feeds today, I finally had time to listen to one of […]


1948 Miles Later…

Well, after driving just shy of 2,000 miles in about a week’s time, I am finally home and trying to get back into the swing of things. Amy and I went our east coast tour to visit family and friends and now are exhausted and sick of driving ;). It is good to be back […]

Serenity Now!


Well…I decided to check spelling of one of my tasks while using Tasks Pro and when it got to my last name (Zelazny), it prompted me to change it/add it. The spell checker, like usual, gave me a suggestion/replacement for the unrecognized word (Zelazny) and I had to laugh. The suggested word to replace Zelazny […]



A few nights ago, while watching a show on the History Channel I heard the following quote: It is not the choice you want, but it’s the choice you have. As soon as I heard it I decided it was a quote worthy of writing down. The context for the quote on the show: black […]


McDonalds is Podcasting

Wow. While driving around today, I passed a McDonalds and saw on their sign that they now had “snack wraps“. I went home and after dinner, while playing some literati, decided to go to Mcdonalds’ web site and see if I could figure out what this new product was…and low and behold…I got a lot […]