Category: Life

Life happens in the small moments…enjoy and learn from them.

Serenity Now!

Too Elite For Elite

Well, after a few months of using Yahoo!/SBC Global Elite (fast) DSL, I am moving back to using Comcast’s high speed cable. The speed was horrible, the support was horrible (I spoke to a “Mac Expert” who did not know that traceroutes could be done on a Mac, they thought it was only a “Windows […]


The End of an Era

Yesterday marked an end of an era for me. As of Monday I am going to do web development consulting full time under my company name Sandbox Development and Consulting Inc. As most people can guess or know, I specialize in WordPress content management systems and blogs. I also do a lot of general CSS, […]

CSS Serenity Now! Web Development

Internet Explorer Pickiness With CSS

For a browser that is hardly standards compliant, Internet Explorer still infuriates me and acts as my arch enemy when debugging CSS. How about an example? This code works in Safari, FireFox, Opera but not IE: .heading { background: url(“images/heading-bg.gif”)repeat-x; color:#fff; font-size:1em; margin:5px 0 5px 5px; border:1px solid #292929; padding-left:3px; line-height:21px; } The result: The […]

Serenity Now! Standards

Doing What's Right

I would like to think we all have standards of some sort. I expect people to treat me with respect as I will treat them with respect. Other people demand to be catered to at all costs – all the time. This morning at the train station the police were out and about issuing tickets […]


For the Person Who Has Everything

If you have a hard to buy for person in your family or circle of friends…and they have a good sense of humor, check out the custom bobbleheads. One of my friends had one made for him and it is unbelievable how much they look alike! Enjoy!


Customer Service

I have always found myself sticking with companys that offered really great customer service. Personally, I would prefer to pay more to get good customer service than to pay less and get frustrated every time something goes wrong. On that note, I love Land Rover. Not only does the company make amazing cars, they treat […]


A Great Quote

I heard a great quote last night that I want to share: It is nice to be important, but more important to be nice.

Serenity Now!

Chicago Winters

I have to say, I really love the rich tradition that Chicago has as a city and winters in Chicago are very interesting if nothing else. We do not usually get the lake effect snow like Buffalo because we are on the east side of Lake Michigan, but we do get the occasional flurry. What […]


Happy Valentines Day

Nothing says Valentine’s Day like working on PHP homework all day! I have three days left of training and then I should be back to more regular blogging. Work + Homework + Work + Baby = Not much time left for anything else.

Serenity Now!

Help is Not Always at the Help Desk

Wow. I recently received an email concerning an account creation for a particular company I have never had to call. In the email, the technician gave me a temporary account, email address, but no password, but gave me a number to call to have a helpdesk technician “reset” my password so I could use it […]

Serenity Now!

What is in My Pocket?

I have always wanted kids, but I never wanted to be the mom that was completely obsessed with her kids that nothing else mattered. The mini van. The crowded living room full of toys. The late appearances because “we could not get the kids ready”. Yikes. Of course Evan is very important to me, but […]